Tag Archives: weight loss

8 Lessons Learned from a Year of Lifestyle Change

Source: American Council on Exercise by Daniel J. Green Early in 2017, I issued myself a challenge: to live according to the rules outlined in the federal Dietary Guidelines and Physical Activity Guidelines for a full year. I was in desperate need of a lifestyle change, having reached a weight of 245 pounds on my 5’8” frame. I’ve always been a big guy, but I’d let my weight creep higher and higher over the years, and my body and quality of life had suffered the consequences. View Full… Read More →

Eat More, Weigh Less?

Source: Centers for Disease Control How to manage your weight without being hungry. Have you tried to lose weight by cutting down the amount of food you eat? Do you still feel hungry and not satisfied after eating? Or have you avoided trying to lose weight because you’re afraid of feeling hungry all the time? If so, you are not alone. Many people throw in the towel on weight loss because they feel deprived and hungry when they eat less. But there is another way. Aim for a… Read More →

Change Your Mind Change Your Health

By: Bridgette Wilson In today’s society, there is no shortage of information on health awareness and let’s not forget all the technical devices and apps that remind us of our target health goals. However, with all the modern wellness amenities, if we don’t stick with a healthy mindset, we won’t be successful in managing any aspect of our health and well-being. Even though I had reached my weight loss goal, I knew that one day I would need to find a way to take what I have learned… Read More →