Tag Archives: nutrition

The Power of Whole Grains

By: Amanda Schroeder Have you heard about all of the benefits that come from eating whole grains? Sure, the gluten-free trend has permeated our society, and you might even be eating that way and loving it, but research shows that whole grains are fantastic for your body! They are great sources of complex carbohydrates, low in fat, and contain a variety of vitamins and minerals. Plus, research has suggested that eating whole grain foods can reduce your risk of certain cancers, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity! Recently, the… Read More →

Goal Setting the SMART Way

By: Rachel Nannola So you know you want to make a change to benefit your overall health and wellness, but you’re not sure where to start. Setting goals is a great way to get started with a plan, and it helps keep you motivated because you’re working toward something specific. When setting a goal, you want to make it something that’s achievable for you because, if it’s not, it’s much harder to stick to your plan and achieve it. If you were to make a goal to become… Read More →

Reducing Sodium In Your Diet

By: Rachel Nannola With high sodium intake leading to high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease, it’s something that frequently gets talked about in the news. Something important to understand is that 75% of dietary sodium comes from packaged and restaurant foods, whereas only 11% comes from salt added to food by the consumer. Though sodium is something that’s essential in our diets for fluid balance, it’s still something we need to be careful about consuming. The average sodium intake of Americans is 3,400 mg/day, which… Read More →

Making Sense of the Nutrition Facts Label

By: Amanda Schroeder Let’s face it; life can be chaotic. Considering all of the responsibilities that we have to juggle each day, who has the time to spend hours at the grocery store? Very few of us! And, if you’re like me, it sometimes feels like a miracle that you even made it in the first place! So, firstly, congratulations for making healthy eating a priority and resisting the fast food temptations. (Yay!) Since you’re so busy, it might be easy to convince yourself that you don’t have… Read More →

Social Media Use and Eating Concerns

By: Rachel Nannola The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine recently conducted a study about young adults’ use of social media and the effect it can have on eating disorders. Approximately 1,700 adults ages 19 through 32 filled out a social media questionnaire involving 11 of the most popular social media sites and their connection to eating disorders. The results from this study indicate a strong and consistent association between social media use and eating concerns. The participants that spent the most time on social media had a… Read More →

Labeling in Restaurants

By: Rachel Nannola When you’re shopping at a grocery store, it’s easy to determine how many calories are in a food because it’s on the nutrition facts label. So why can’t we determine how many calories are in foods at restaurants just as easily? Well luckily, soon we’ll be able to. The FDA has finalized a rule that requires restaurants or similar retail food establishments with 20 or more locations to provide calorie content for food items on the menu. It has taken quite some time for this… Read More →