Tag Archives: healthy

Plant-Based Diet Benefits

By: Rachel Nannola Unlike other “diets”, there is good reasoning behind switching to a plant-based diet. Plant-based diets have been proven to prevent and even reverse multiple nutrition-related diseases and conditions, including type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and high cholesterol. A plant-based diet is essentially what it sounds like: a nutrition plan that revolves around eating mostly non-animal products, including whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. A recent study conducted by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, however, found that not all plant-based diets do well for… Read More →

Goal Setting the SMART Way

By: Rachel Nannola So you know you want to make a change to benefit your overall health and wellness, but you’re not sure where to start. Setting goals is a great way to get started with a plan, and it helps keep you motivated because you’re working toward something specific. When setting a goal, you want to make it something that’s achievable for you because, if it’s not, it’s much harder to stick to your plan and achieve it. If you were to make a goal to become… Read More →

Reducing Sodium In Your Diet

By: Rachel Nannola With high sodium intake leading to high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease, it’s something that frequently gets talked about in the news. Something important to understand is that 75% of dietary sodium comes from packaged and restaurant foods, whereas only 11% comes from salt added to food by the consumer. Though sodium is something that’s essential in our diets for fluid balance, it’s still something we need to be careful about consuming. The average sodium intake of Americans is 3,400 mg/day, which… Read More →

Making Sense of the Nutrition Facts Label

By: Amanda Schroeder Let’s face it; life can be chaotic. Considering all of the responsibilities that we have to juggle each day, who has the time to spend hours at the grocery store? Very few of us! And, if you’re like me, it sometimes feels like a miracle that you even made it in the first place! So, firstly, congratulations for making healthy eating a priority and resisting the fast food temptations. (Yay!) Since you’re so busy, it might be easy to convince yourself that you don’t have… Read More →