Tag Archives: healthy

Mind Over Matter: Removing the Limiting Factors

By: Bridgette Wilson In my last blog, I mentioned that change starts with transitioning the thoughts of the mind. I also mentioned creating a plan to take action that will assist in removing the limiting factors. Limiting factors are simply the stories we tell ourselves that “excuse” us from making better choices. I call them “limiting factors” because these are the things that hinder our abilities to move forward and accomplish our wellness goals. Many times, the things that limit us we also use as our safety net… Read More →

Faux Fiber Versus the Real Thing

If you’re not keen on foods that are naturally high in fiber—such as oatmeal, lentils, broccoli and peas—you may be tempted to choose fiber-fortified foods as a way to get your roughage. Manufacturers are putting isolated (“functional”) fibers in foods such as yogurt, ice cream, sugary cereals, energy bars, even juices and water, in order to make “high-fiber” claims. Dietary fiber, found in plant foods, promotes good bowel function and lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, among other benefits. The general recommendation is to get 14 grams of fiber… Read More →

Best Treats to Beat the Heat

By: Bridgette Wilson As I was driving down 183 heading home one afternoon, the temperature on my car’s dashboard read 100. No wonder I was feeling like a piece of sizzling bacon cooking in a cast iron skillet. I cranked up the A/C and started to reminisce about my childhood ice cream memories. It was always a special part of my ‘Texas Summer Survival Kit’. Every summer, my mother would make her own ice cream. I can recall those hot humid nights of Houston sitting on the back… Read More →

Are Your Vacations Guilt-Free?

By: Bridgette Wilson As a basic rule of thumb, vacation time means packing up your cool gear and temporarily escaping your worries. However, it should not mean leaving your good healthy lifestyle habits hanging in your closet. You have worked very hard to achieve your goal of healthy living, so why would you want to sabotage your efforts. Although the thought of lavishing in the thoughts of your vacation and no schedules to keep, it is still a good idea to keep your meal planning and exercise routine… Read More →

Benefits of Power Walking

By: Bridgette Wilson How do you jumpstart an out-of-shape body that has no extra energy or tenacity to endure what I thought of exercise as cruel and unusual punishment? Little did I know taking some brisk walking strides would be the key to changing my life and moving beyond my fears. The basic definition of ‘power walking’ is often referred to as ‘fitness walking’ or ‘fast pace walking’. According to WebMD, research suggests: “Every hour you spend walking may add 2 hours to your life.” Brisk walking can… Read More →

Recap: Lunch & Learn- Healthy Breakfast and Snacks

On April 24, 2017 We got to do our third Lunch and Learn at the Travis County Office. This lunch and learn was all about the importance of healthy breakfast and snacks. First, Sonia went over some material from our Step Up Scale Down class about the importance of healthy snacks and breakfasts. She further explained how to pair items together for an optimal breakfast or snack option. We also spoke about timing of these meals and appropriate calorie ranges for them. Then, Sonia reviewed what she taught… Read More →

Recap: Food Preservation Workshops

This year we got to hold two Food Preservation workshops at our office. The first workshop focused on pressure canning while the second focused on water-bath canning.   First Workshop: Pressure Canning Our first workshop was taught by Dr. Connie Shepard from Comal County. The workshop started off with a power point presentation over canning basics and how to can food safely.     Our family and Consumer Sciences agent, Sonia Coyle helped participants cook up the canning liquid that gets placed in the jars to preserve the carrots. After the… Read More →

Staying Away from Fad Diets

With all the focus on weight in our society, it isn’t surprising that millions of people fall prey to fad diets and bogus weight-loss products. Conflicting claims, testimonials and hype by so-called “experts” can confuse even the most informed consumers. The bottom line is simple: If a diet or product sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There are no foods or pills that magically burn fat. No super foods will alter your genetic code. No products will miraculously melt fat while you watch TV or… Read More →

24 Tips for Healthy Aging

We all want to age well. Who hasn’t read about people in their 90s who are still vibrant and healthy? You may think they we’re just blessed with great genes, and yes, genes are important—as is luck. But so are many lifestyle factors. How you eat, exercise, and safeguard your physical and emotional health are keys to longevity. Clink the link below to discover 24 tips to help increase your chances of living a long, healthy life.   View Full Article: http://www.berkeleywellness.com/self-care/preventive-care/lists/24-tips-for-healthy-aging/slideid_3336

What are Omega 3’s and 6’s?

By: Rachel Nannola An omega 3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). There are three types of omega 3’s: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Omegas 3’s are found in fatty fish, walnuts, flaxseed oil, canola oil, and some other seeds and nuts. There is also another type of polyunsaturated fatty acid named omega 6. There are two types of omega 6s: linoleic acid (LA) and arachidonic acid (AA). Omegas 6s are found in meat and vegetable oils. Both ALA and LA are essential fatty acids,… Read More →