Category Archives: Nutrition

Making Sense of the Nutrition Facts Label

By: Amanda Schroeder Let’s face it; life can be chaotic. Considering all of the responsibilities that we have to juggle each day, who has the time to spend hours at the grocery store? Very few of us! And, if you’re like me, it sometimes feels like a miracle that you even made it in the first place! So, firstly, congratulations for making healthy eating a priority and resisting the fast food temptations. (Yay!) Since you’re so busy, it might be easy to convince yourself that you don’t have… Read More →

Micronutrient Monday: Facts About Folate

By: Amanda Schroeder B vitamins have gotten a lot of attention in the media lately, particularly B12. (You just can’t avoid hearing about it!) I’m sure you’ve heard about folate, as well, but did you know that it’s a B vitamin, too? Well, it is! (B9, to be exact.) The term folate is used to describe both the folate found naturally in foods and folic acid, which is a manipulated version of folate used in dietary supplements and for the fortification of certain foods. This essential B vitamin… Read More →

Social Media Use and Eating Concerns

By: Rachel Nannola The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine recently conducted a study about young adults’ use of social media and the effect it can have on eating disorders. Approximately 1,700 adults ages 19 through 32 filled out a social media questionnaire involving 11 of the most popular social media sites and their connection to eating disorders. The results from this study indicate a strong and consistent association between social media use and eating concerns. The participants that spent the most time on social media had a… Read More →

Micronutrient Monday: Vitamin C to the Rescue!

By: Amanda Schroeder What is one of the first things that most of us think when we start to feel the dreaded scratchy throat, runny nose, or any sign of an upcoming cold? “I need vitamin C!” Whether you’re one who likes to drink extra orange juice or one who would rather utilize a supplement, you’ve been told that increasing your intake will have you feeling better in no time. So, is it true? Yes! Vitamin C, sometimes called L-ascorbic acid, is a fundamental puzzle piece for a highly… Read More →

Can Herbs Improve Your Memory or Mood?

By: Amanda Schroeder Generally, when speaking about nutrition, a strong emphasis is placed on the benefits to our physical health. We are told that eating well can reduce the instance of certain diseases, increase our lifespan, and lower our overall body weight. We learn that vitamins and minerals can promote proper functioning of each of our organ systems and even strengthen our bones or vision. The physical benefits are seemingly endless, and that is fantastic! I already love eating, but I love it even more when I know… Read More →

Labeling in Restaurants

By: Rachel Nannola When you’re shopping at a grocery store, it’s easy to determine how many calories are in a food because it’s on the nutrition facts label. So why can’t we determine how many calories are in foods at restaurants just as easily? Well luckily, soon we’ll be able to. The FDA has finalized a rule that requires restaurants or similar retail food establishments with 20 or more locations to provide calorie content for food items on the menu. It has taken quite some time for this… Read More →

But, I Hate Vegetables!

By: Amanda Schroeder What happens if you’ve made the decision to eat more healthfully (yay!), but the mere thought of eating vegetables makes your stomach turn? Are you doomed to a life of holding your nose while you force-feed yourself kale? Of course not! What if your children immediately turn up their noses at the mention of veggies? Should you just accept the fact that they will never like them and give up? Definitely not! Whether you have just begun on your journey or you’re a seasoned vet,… Read More →

What Is a Calorie, Anyway?

By: Amanda Schroeder We hear so much about calories that, for some, it’s easy to imagine them as little cheerleaders traveling through our bodies with their little pompoms, encouraging weight gain. Fortunately, that is not the case! Technically, calories are units of measurement, just like inches or liters. Calories measure energy. Specifically, 1 calorie is equal to the amount of energy required to raise 1 kg of water by 1 degree Celsius. Crazy, right? Our bodies both expend and require energy constantly. I am burning about 50 calories… Read More →

Being Aware of Added Sugars

By: Rachel Nannola We know sugar is not the healthiest thing for our bodies.  Sugar is okay in moderation, but the 2015 Dietary Guidelines recommend that we limit our added sugars to no more than 10% of our daily calorie needs. For example, if you were consuming 2000 calories a day, this would allow for 12 teaspoons (48 grams of sugar). One can of Coca Cola has approximately 40 grams, so that’s almost a day’s worth of sugar. Sugar is in many more items besides soda and candy. Some… Read More →

Is Your Food Safe?

By: Amanda Schroeder Taking the first steps of changing your diet can be both scary and extremely rewarding. For many people, it not only means rethinking the way you eat, but also the way you shop and prepare your food. You might be buying foods you’ve never prepared or even eaten before. Or maybe you’ve decided to prep your meals for the whole week on one day and freeze or refrigerate them for easy access. No matter what kind of changes you’ve decided to make in the kitchen,… Read More →