Category Archives: Nutrition

Staying Away from Fad Diets

With all the focus on weight in our society, it isn’t surprising that millions of people fall prey to fad diets and bogus weight-loss products. Conflicting claims, testimonials and hype by so-called “experts” can confuse even the most informed consumers. The bottom line is simple: If a diet or product sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There are no foods or pills that magically burn fat. No super foods will alter your genetic code. No products will miraculously melt fat while you watch TV or… Read More →

Can Exercise Help Joint Pain?

“Joint pain can rob you of life’s simple pleasures — you may no longer look forward to walking your dog, gardening, or chasing a tennis ball across the court. Even the basics of getting through your day, like getting into the car or carrying laundry to the basement, can become sharp reminders of your limitations. But the right exercises performed properly can be a long-lasting way to subdue ankle, knee, hip, or shoulder pain. Although it might seem that exercise would aggravate aching joints, this is simply not… Read More →

Three Keys to Healthy Grocery Shopping

“With the New Year a few months behind us now, hectic schedules and daily distractions have gotten in the way of our most well intended resolutions. If you are still looking to work on being healthier this year, eating healthier is a good option that may be easier than it seems. As Hippocrates (the “father” of modern medicine) once said, “Let food be thy medicine, and thy medicine thy food.” We are realizing more and more how much our daily behaviors and our food choices impact our health… Read More →

Mediterranean Diet May Ease Chronic Pain of Obesity

New research suggests that people who struggle with obesity may find relief from a Mediterranean diet. A Mediterranean diet consists of fish, nuts, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Read the full article here:

24 Tips for Healthy Aging

We all want to age well. Who hasn’t read about people in their 90s who are still vibrant and healthy? You may think they we’re just blessed with great genes, and yes, genes are important—as is luck. But so are many lifestyle factors. How you eat, exercise, and safeguard your physical and emotional health are keys to longevity. Clink the link below to discover 24 tips to help increase your chances of living a long, healthy life.   View Full Article:

3 Reasons You Should Be Eating More Cinnamon

By: Amanda Schroeder Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices in the world. For thousands of years, it has been a staple, not only in our diets, but also in traditional medicine. Did you know that the Egyptians used cinnamon in their embalming process? And the Romans regularly used it as a digestive aid and a remedy to respiratory issues. It was so popular, in fact, that Christopher Columbus and Vasco de Gama actually began their famous explorations, in part, to find and cultivate more cinnamon!1 So, what… Read More →

Candy Corn: Halloween’s Favorite Candy

By: Amanda Schroeder Candy season is upon us! ‘Tis the season to knock on the doors of strangers and ask for sugary delights. And even if you don’t have kids or didn’t go “Trick-or-Treating,” chances are that you have taken advantage of the extra low candy prices. (It would be a shame to turn down such a bargain, right?) These festive little treats can be delicious, and we all deserve a little treat now and again, but have you ever thought about what’s inside? The answer may surprise… Read More →

What Should You Know About Vitamin B12?

By: Amanda Schroeder Vitamin B12 is typically marketed by mainstream media as a natural energy booster. Would you be surprised to hear that there is actually no scientific evidence to support this? It’s true! It also seems that, lately, the general population is becoming increasingly aware of and concerned about B12 deficiency. What constitutes deficiency? And what does B12 even do? Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a pivotal role in red blood cell formation, nerve function, and even the creation of DNA! It is available… Read More →

6 Tips to Help You Pack Lunches Like a Pro

By: Amanda Schroeder Though it seems to have just begun, summer is officially coming to a close and, for many of us, this means settling into a school-time routine. Even if you are child-free and/or not in school, this time of year also signifies earlier mornings to accompany the reemergence of school zone speed limits, school buses, and overall heavier morning traffic. Waking up with the roosters can be quite the challenge and, let’s face it: sometimes that snooze button feels like an absolute necessity! Despite the busy… Read More →

The Common Avoidance Diet and Why It’s Not Sustainable

By: Rachel Nannola There are so many common fad diets that revolve around eliminating one or more food groups from your diet. Some examples are the Paleo Diet, gluten-free diet, Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet, and many more. These types of diets can result in weight loss, but 95% of dieters regain the weight lost within 1-5 years after concluding the diet. Usually, elimination diets involve food groups that we enjoy eating (e.g., carbohydrates, fats). The problem with this is that those are important food groups to include… Read More →