Category Archives: Micronutrient Monday

What Should You Know About Vitamin B12?

By: Amanda Schroeder Vitamin B12 is typically marketed by mainstream media as a natural energy booster. Would you be surprised to hear that there is actually no scientific evidence to support this? It’s true! It also seems that, lately, the general population is becoming increasingly aware of and concerned about B12 deficiency. What constitutes deficiency? And what does B12 even do? Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a pivotal role in red blood cell formation, nerve function, and even the creation of DNA! It is available… Read More →

Micronutrient Monday: What Is Iodine?

By: Amanda Schroeder Of all of the minerals we readily consume, I’m sure I think about iodine the least. (And, weirdly, I think about minerals a lot!) The media hasn’t gone into a frenzy over it, like it has for other minerals (e.g. calcium). And since it isn’t the topic of too many of our everyday conversations, it’s easy to overlook. Iodine is a trace mineral, meaning we need it in very small quantities, but it packs a punch! It is a vital component of certain thyroid hormones… Read More →

Micronutrient Monday: Vitamin E is the Bee’s Knees

By: Amanda Schroder I suspect that many of you have heard about vitamin E, or maybe you’ve even used vitamin E oil on your skin or hair, but do you know what it does inside your body? Well, firstly, what is it? Vitamin E is actually a blanket term that we use to describe 8 different fat-soluble compounds. As far as humans are concerned, the most important of these compounds is alpha-tocopherol (α-tocopherol). Vitamin E works primarily as an antioxidant, allowing it to protect your cells from the… Read More →

Micronutrient Monday: Facts About Folate

By: Amanda Schroeder B vitamins have gotten a lot of attention in the media lately, particularly B12. (You just can’t avoid hearing about it!) I’m sure you’ve heard about folate, as well, but did you know that it’s a B vitamin, too? Well, it is! (B9, to be exact.) The term folate is used to describe both the folate found naturally in foods and folic acid, which is a manipulated version of folate used in dietary supplements and for the fortification of certain foods. This essential B vitamin… Read More →

Micronutrient Monday: Vitamin C to the Rescue!

By: Amanda Schroeder What is one of the first things that most of us think when we start to feel the dreaded scratchy throat, runny nose, or any sign of an upcoming cold? “I need vitamin C!” Whether you’re one who likes to drink extra orange juice or one who would rather utilize a supplement, you’ve been told that increasing your intake will have you feeling better in no time. So, is it true? Yes! Vitamin C, sometimes called L-ascorbic acid, is a fundamental puzzle piece for a highly… Read More →

Micronutrient Monday: What’s the Deal with Calcium?

By: Amanda Schroeder How many times have you heard someone talking about calcium? I’m sure you’ve lost count by now! For years, commercials, magazine advertisements, and the internet have all emphasized the importance of consuming this mineral, highlighting its vital role in the maintenance of healthy bones. I would even venture to say that it might be one of the most widely known minerals! But, your bones are not the only parts of you that benefit from calcium. In fact, it is so important that there is more… Read More →

Micronutrient Monday: All You Need to Know About Zinc

By: Amanda Schroeder When you hear the word “zinc”, what’s the first thing that pops into your head? If you’re like me, you might be envisioning a beach full of people playing volleyball with thick, white cream covering their noses. We might not see that as much anymore (or maybe you do!), but the ability to create a barrier between UV rays and your skin is not zinc’s only talent! In fact, it is essential to several vital processes inside your body, including wound healing, immune function, and… Read More →

Micronutrient Monday: Magnesium Madness!

By: Amanda Schroeder In your body, right now, you have about 25 g of magnesium. That’s the weight of about 25 paperclips! Magnesium is a mineral that works like a puzzle piece, providing the necessary piece for more than 300 different regulatory reactions in your body. It plays a vital role in essential processes, such as regulating blood pressure and blood glucose levels. It maintains proper nerve function and regulates muscle contraction and heart rhythm. And it assists your body in making bone, protein and, even, DNA. This… Read More →

Micronutrient Monday: All Things Vitamin A

By: Amanda Schroeder So, what is vitamin A? Vitamin A is a fat-soluble compound synthesized in the body from plant pigments called carotenoids. The most well-known carotenoid (and arguably the most important) is beta-carotene, which can be found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It not only helps your body produce vitamin A, but it is also an antioxidant that can protect your cells from damage. Vitamin A is very important to so many processes in our bodies, including reproduction, immune function, and vision. It makes up part… Read More →

Micronutrient Monday: Let’s Talk about Iron!

By: Amanda Schroeder Iron is an important mineral found in both animal and plant foods. It functions as part of the hemoglobin in our red blood cells, which takes the oxygen from our lungs and disperses it throughout our entire body. In other words, it helps our muscles store and efficiently use the oxygen that we breathe. Since utilizing oxygen is such a vital process, it is important to have enough iron flowing through your body. Are you getting enough? Anemia is the result of consuming inadequate amounts… Read More →