Category Archives: Meal Planning

DASH diet: Healthy eating to lower your blood pressure

Source: Mayo Clinic The DASH diet emphasizes portion size, eating a variety of foods and getting the right amount of nutrients. Discover how DASH can improve your health and lower your blood pressure View full article  

Are Your Vacations Guilt-Free?

By: Bridgette Wilson As a basic rule of thumb, vacation time means packing up your cool gear and temporarily escaping your worries. However, it should not mean leaving your good healthy lifestyle habits hanging in your closet. You have worked very hard to achieve your goal of healthy living, so why would you want to sabotage your efforts. Although the thought of lavishing in the thoughts of your vacation and no schedules to keep, it is still a good idea to keep your meal planning and exercise routine… Read More →

Recap: Lunch & Learn- Healthy Breakfast and Snacks

On April 24, 2017 We got to do our third Lunch and Learn at the Travis County Office. This lunch and learn was all about the importance of healthy breakfast and snacks. First, Sonia went over some material from our Step Up Scale Down class about the importance of healthy snacks and breakfasts. She further explained how to pair items together for an optimal breakfast or snack option. We also spoke about timing of these meals and appropriate calorie ranges for them. Then, Sonia reviewed what she taught… Read More →

Three Keys to Healthy Grocery Shopping

“With the New Year a few months behind us now, hectic schedules and daily distractions have gotten in the way of our most well intended resolutions. If you are still looking to work on being healthier this year, eating healthier is a good option that may be easier than it seems. As Hippocrates (the “father” of modern medicine) once said, “Let food be thy medicine, and thy medicine thy food.” We are realizing more and more how much our daily behaviors and our food choices impact our health… Read More →

Mediterranean Diet May Ease Chronic Pain of Obesity

New research suggests that people who struggle with obesity may find relief from a Mediterranean diet. A Mediterranean diet consists of fish, nuts, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Read the full article here:

6 Tips to Help You Pack Lunches Like a Pro

By: Amanda Schroeder Though it seems to have just begun, summer is officially coming to a close and, for many of us, this means settling into a school-time routine. Even if you are child-free and/or not in school, this time of year also signifies earlier mornings to accompany the reemergence of school zone speed limits, school buses, and overall heavier morning traffic. Waking up with the roosters can be quite the challenge and, let’s face it: sometimes that snooze button feels like an absolute necessity! Despite the busy… Read More →

The Difference Between the Dates

By: Rachel Nannola Ever wonder what the date on the side of a food package means? The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that Americans throw away the equivalent of 162 billion dollars in food every year. The dates on the sides of packaging can be confusing, which is probably why people are throwing away food unnecessarily. So let’s talk about what each type of packaging date means: “Sell by” date tells the store how long to display the product, which means you should buy the product before… Read More →

Meal Planning 101: Saving Time & Money

By: Wren Fair Many of us lead busy lives. You might have a full time job and kids or be a working college student. Whatever your time obstacle may be, I think we can all agree that preparing and eating meals at home is a challenge. Sometimes even the best of intentions fall prey to exhaustion after a long work day. Incorporating regular meal planning into your week can help alleviate stress and save you money. Meal planning sounds simple in theory: you create a menu for the… Read More →