Category Archives: Herbs

Recap: Food Preservation Workshops

This year we got to hold two Food Preservation workshops at our office. The first workshop focused on pressure canning while the second focused on water-bath canning.   First Workshop: Pressure Canning Our first workshop was taught by Dr. Connie Shepard from Comal County. The workshop started off with a power point presentation over canning basics and how to can food safely.     Our family and Consumer Sciences agent, Sonia Coyle helped participants cook up the canning liquid that gets placed in the jars to preserve the carrots. After the… Read More →

Can Herbs Improve Your Memory or Mood?

By: Amanda Schroeder Generally, when speaking about nutrition, a strong emphasis is placed on the benefits to our physical health. We are told that eating well can reduce the instance of certain diseases, increase our lifespan, and lower our overall body weight. We learn that vitamins and minerals can promote proper functioning of each of our organ systems and even strengthen our bones or vision. The physical benefits are seemingly endless, and that is fantastic! I already love eating, but I love it even more when I know… Read More →