Beat the Heat! Stay Hydrated!

Most people do not drink enough water. By the time one is thirsty, they are most likely dehydrated. The key is to keep properly hydrated.

  1. Know that the eight glass rule isn’t necessarily for everyone. Weight and exercise also factor into how much you should drink a day so figure out how much water you need a day with this nifty water-drinking calculator!
  2. If you are not used to drinking lots of water, take it slow!
  3. Make water accessible! Buy yourself a water purifying system. You can easily and inexpensively buy a Brita so that there is never an excuse not to pour yourself a glass.
  4. Plan ahead! If you know you’re going to be out and about all day, have a bottle to go  filled with water.
  5. Drinking water all day can get a little boring, so add some fruit to your next glass! You can try lime, lemon or even cucumber.
  6. Keep it cold! Cold water takes energy for your body to regulate the temperature and burns calories!
  7. If all else fails, set a timer to remind yourself to drink water.
  8. Another option is to eat water enriched foods like watermelon or tomatoes, both over 90 percent water.

Stay hydrated this summer!

-Jodi Schaeffer, MPH, RD, LDN

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