Decluttering Your Life for Good Health

by Bridgette Wilson

As the weather is finally starting to warm up, I am starting to think more about spring. Lately, I have been in the mood to start focusing on some long overdue reorganizing and decluttering. When we think about decluttering, we often focus on the exterior areas of our lives, such our closets, garage and even our office desks at work. However, have you ever thought that maybe it was time to do some mental decluttering? For many of us, we carry around stuff that we no longer need in hopes it may come in handy or back in style. We make excuses to hang on to clothes and shoes that we no longer fit in hopes that eventually we will wear them again. As with old clothes and tight shoes that hurt our feet, we also keep old feelings and negative thoughts that simply clutter and block the flow of our energy and mental stability. Hanging onto past thoughts will not allow us to move forward and advance into our future of hope and new opportunities. Like our cluttered closet, if our minds are pre-occupied with worry and anxiety, there is not enough space for new and positive thoughts to enter in. Physical activity is a good way to declutter the stress and anxiety that we keep holding deep inside. We must remove the old so that the new can replace it. Our minds and spirits need to be free to think and feel good about who we are and who we can become. When we are clear headed, our thoughts are more focused on our goals to achieve better overall health. To learn about more about why decluttering is good for your health, check out:  decluttering-is-good-for-your-health

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