The Moment

By: Bridgette Wilson

Happy New Year!!!

For most of us this phrase is the prelude for celebration that symbolizes expressions of well wishes and good cheer for the upcoming new year. As we approach another year and we wish well to others, let’s not forget to wish wellness to ourselves.

We are always so eager to start something new and never stop to evaluate or celebrate the current moment. Before your mind crosses over into the zone of new resolutions for the upcoming year, why not take the time to reflect and celebrate your accomplishments from this year.

Now, going forward, I want you do something different this year. You should make two lists. One list for the accomplishments and the other list for the new goals. Begin this year by loving yourself more and celebrating the wonderful new YOU. Learning how to appreciate the moments when you have reached a goal is critical in your journey.

If you only focus on what you have not accomplished, you will never have the determination to push ahead for more things to come. Life is a gift, so why not take the time to truly live in ALL the moments.


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