Civil Rights Compliance Review


To: County Faculty and Support Staff

Re: Extension Program and Compliance Review (Including Support Funds)

Date of Review:

Program Compliance Review

All employees of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service have responsibilities for achieving compliance with the provisions of Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the various regulations and requirements related to these acts. As with all programs supported by federal funds, we are subject to provisions which require that our programs serve all people, without regard for socioeconomic level, race, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin. We also continue to be interested in knowing that AgriLife Extension is delivering quality, educational programs in all counties that meet the needs of the local people.

One of the procedures developed to help employees make sure they are complying with all the provisions is an in‐depth program and compliance review. This procedure is being followed with the intent of reviewing each county unit on a rotational basis in the district.

I will conduct a review on the date set forth above. The review will be held at your county AgriLife Extension office. All professional county faculty members and office secretarial staff are requested to be present and will be expected to participate in some or all parts of the review (see agenda). In addition, paraprofessional aides and assistants employed by the county are asked to be present for a portion of the review. I will provide an orientation on the purpose of the review and procedures to be followed in conducting the review. An exit conference will be held with the county faculty and support staff to outline findings and make recommendations.

Compliance Review of Support Funds

Rationale for Review
All employees and volunteers of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service have responsibilities for achieving compliance with the provisions and best practices of financial resource management with external support groups. It is also important to know that AgriLife Extension support groups are delivering quality, educational programs through proper management of available resources. One of the procedures developed to help employees and volunteers make sure they are complying with all the provisions and best management practices is an in‐depth review of support fund accounts on a district specific rotation basis. The procedure will be carried out by reviewing each county unit during the program and compliance review conference. The review of support fund accounts will help ensure:

  • Internal controls for external support fund accounts.
  • Proper recordkeeping and authorization
  • Separation of duties in receiving, handling and disbursing funds.
  • Established bylaws for receiving and disbursing funds and the disposition of support group assets.
  • Preparation of an annual budget.
  • Submission of financial status reports by external support groups.
  • Established written policy for inventory control and disposition of tangible items.
  • Development of accounting reports.
  • Proper tax forms filed.

The AgriLife Extension financial review of support group fund account received will be included with the county AgriLife Extension program and compliance review conference.
External Support Group Program and Compliance Review

  • Each faculty member who is connected to a support group with external funds should be prepared to present requested documentation for each group account
  • Each support group annual report for the current year and the following documentation will be reviewed:
    • Proper account name
    • Employer tax identification number
    • Proper signatures on account
    • Annual budget for account
    • Tangible property inventory (Must be reviewed annually and dated)
    • Standing rules and investment policy
    • Evidence of training form (Sign-in Sheet, Agenda & etc.)
  • Discuss procedures for handling funds for the accounts
    • Receipting funds received
    • Depositing funds
    • Requesting payments
    • Bank statements


A written summary of the review findings will be provided to the county staff within six weeks following the exit conference. To save time during the review, the attachment document should be completed and ready for review, and support materials should be readily available to review upon request. Please note that pages 23 through 37 of the program compliance review document include a three‐page section for each of the five major program areas. All faculty members are expected to be involved in preparation for the compliance review and in completion of the review document.

I am confident that the program and compliance review will be a worthwhile experience in assisting county staff members in fulfilling their responsibilities relative to civil rights and serving the citizens of your county.


Hurley Miller
District Extension Administrator


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