FY21 Annual Inventory Certification of Physical Property
DEADLINE: March 31, 2022 to District Office
Annual Inventory Certification Instructions – Fiscal Year 2022
The Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Inventory Certification of Physical Property for Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, and the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory will start the 2nd week of January and end on Thursday, March 31st. All paperwork is due when you complete the barcode scanning or manually accounting of your assets.
The following link is the address to the web-based portion of the inventory:
Counties will log in with the following: Use lower case
-Your USERNAME and PASSWORD is your county name (do not put the word “county” in these fields). If the county name is 2 words, they are to be put together to form 1 word (example: sanpatricio)
–CUSTOMER is agrilife
Helpful Tips for Updating Assets on New Scan & Validate Website
-You can update your assets manually by using the Scan & Validate website, https://sv.assetworks.com/sv/f?p=1001:101
-Log on to the Scan & Validate website with your Username (UIN) and Password (first initial and then last name, example: jkotch). The Customer is agrilife.
-Click on your department code on the Inventory by Subset page, which will be the main page you see when you log into the website, to view all your assets for that department code.
-Once you see all the assets for your department code, you can account for each asset by clicking on the Pencil under the View/Edit column, or by clicking on the Asset Number, and see all the information fields for that certain asset.
-If you decide the information for the asset is correct, then select Correct in the Status dropdown menu and then hit Save at the bottom of the page.
-If you need to change any of the information for the asset, select Change in the Status dropdown menu, make any necessary changes you need to, such as updating the RoomFloor or Other Location fields, and then hit Save at the bottom of the page.
-For actual Missing Assets, each should be marked as “Change” and the following fields updated with this information:
Bldg: 00003
Room: MISS
Other Location: MISSING AG308-FY (Current)
Notes: Item Reported Missing (Current FY) Certification; AG-308 submitted
-Each Department/District/County will need to submit an AG-308 Missing or Stolen Property Report for any Missing asset(s). The asset(s) will be marked with a MS (Missing Request) code for 2 years, and if they are not found at the end of the 2 years, the asset(s) will be deleted from the Department’s inventory and the AG-308 form will be used as the Deletion form (in place of the AG-302).
-Continue this process until all assets have been changed from No Scan to either Correct or Change.
NOTES section
Enter the following information as needed in the Notes section for each asset:
- Update Description (enter what Description should be)
- Update Serial Number (enter what Serial Number should be)
- Asset is Missing
- Asset Surplused (include Reference Number and Date if possible)
- Transferred (include Reference Number and Date if possible)
- Sold (include Reference Number and Date if possible)
- Verified by picture/email
- Verified with AG-311
- Need Barcode Label
The following information is NOT NECESSARY to be entered in the NOTES section:
- Corrected (Updated) Building Number
- Corrected (Updated) Room Number
- Corrected (Updated) User Group
- Corrected (Updated) Other Location
- Corrected (Updated) UIN
****The Texas A&M AgriLife Office of Property and Fleet Management does not require any pictures or emails to be submitted with the AG-320 form, but it is strongly encouraged that each department/center/district/county keep these pictures and emails within their office as all are subject to a Post Certification Audit, where you would then be required to submit pictures and/or emails for selected assets.****
For any item that is located away from the office, verification should be completed with a picture of the item and its tag number, an email from the end-user confirming that they have the asset, or via an AG-311 Property Used Away from Assigned Location form.
-Laptops, PC’s, IPads, cameras or any items that are located away from an individuals’ office, need to be listed on an AG-311 Property Used Away from Assigned Location form and returned to District Office Manager: Adrienne Beazley.
Turning in Completed Certification to District Office
Once you have completed the scanning of your inventory, you will need to fill out an AG-320 Annual Certification of Physical Inventory of Property Form. This form can be found on the AgriLife Administrative Services website under the section marked Inventory/Property Forms, or at the following link:
The only assets that are to be listed on the AG-320 form are ones that are Missing, Stolen, Surplused, Sold, and Transferred. Please use additional copies of the AG-320 form to list your assets as needed.
Once the form is completed and signed by the AAPO and the Unit Head/Program Leader/Department Head, it is then submitted to the District Office by email.
New website address: https://sv.assetworks.com/sv/f?p=1001:101
AG-311 Property Used Away from Assigned Location Form
AG-320 Annual Certification of Physical Inventory of Property Form
AG-308 Missing or Stolen Property Report for any Missing assets