
Travel Authorization – To be completed for any extension related travel that takes you out of District 3.  Authorization form must be submitted to the district office for DEA’s approval.

Out of State/Country Travel AuthorizationTo be completed for any extension related travel that takes you out of Texas or the United States.  Authorization form must be submitted to the district office for DEA’s approval and then on to Dr. Ripley for his approval.  Has to be submitted at least 30 days prior to travel.

Blanket Travel within District 3 –  Memo updated annually for the period beginning September 1 and ending August 31st to authorize agents to travel within District 3.  A copy of this authorization will be provided to you at the beginning of the fiscal year and is kept on file in the District Office.  Any travel outside of the District 3 will need to be authorized by submitting form AG-802 above.


Travel Voucher – To be completed ONLY if you are using funds located in College Station to reimburse your travel.  (An example would be if you have FPM funds.)  These will now be done thru CONCUR.  Contact Janet to complete online.

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