Horse Show
Shows are intended to provide a wholesome form of recreation and a forum for demonstrating horsemanship and horse-training skills that lead to recognition and accomplishment. 4-H shows are also held for specific purposes, such as instructional shows, serving as clinics, and open shows, serving as fund-raising activities. Other shows are designed to qualify contestants for competition at the state level. Rules for these shows are found in the publication.
District 9 Horse Show:
Texas 4-H Horse Show Information:
Horse Judging
- To increase knowledge of Equine evaluation and selection techniques
- To employ decision making skills
- To create a sense of team work
- To learn to make individual decisions and support them with oral statements
Judge two to four halter classes and four to six performance classes. Three or four sets of oral reasons are required–one or two halter and two or three performance. Halter classes will be chosen from the following breeds: American Paint Horse, American Quarter Horse, Appaloosa, and Palomino. Performance classes will be chosen from the following: Trail, Western Pleasure, Western Horsemanship, Western Riding, Reining, Calf Roping, Showmanship at Halter, Hunter Under Saddle, Hunt Seat Equitation, Hunter Hack, and Stock Horse Pleasure.
Classes will be judged according to current AQHA Handbook of Rules and Regulations and the American Stock Horse Association Handbook (Stock Horse Pleasure Only). Contestants will NOT be allowed to carry or review a rule book during the contest. Blank paper is to be used for taking notes. No preprinted material will be allowed. The top teams will be eligible to represent Texas at the national level (i.e. All American Quarter Horse Congress, AQHYA World Show, Western National Roundup, etc).
Horse Quiz bowl
This contest will follow the rules and procedures listed in the 1999 revision of the Texas 4-H Quiz Bowl Guide, 4-H 3-2.030. Horse Quiz Bowl Supplement, 4-H 3-2.031 should be utilized for support information. Official references utilized for contest preparation should be from the Fall 2002 reference list. Additional information is available from contest superintendent. This contest is team entry only, no individual entries allowed.
Horse Quiz Bowl Supplement:
Hippology Contest
The primary objective of the Hippology contest is to provide, in a friendly but competitive setting, an opportunity for youth enrolled in 4-H to demonstrate the breadth of their knowledge and understanding of equine science and management, and in particular, the practical application of this knowledge and skill. It is hoped that this contest will generate new friendships and be a rewarding experience for the contestants.
General Rules
- Teams will consist of 3 or 4 members. The top 3 individual scores will be used to compute the team score. All four team members will be eligible for individual awards.
- There will be two age divisions: Intermediate and Senior.
- The Intermediate Team, Intermediate High Individual, and the Senior High Individual division contests will consist of four separate parts (written test, stations ID, judging classes and slide show) while the Senior team division contest will consist of five separate parts (this will include a teams question section).
- There is NO travel money available for the Champion Senior division team to compete at national-level contests. The senior division Champion team is eligible to compete at national-level contests at its own expense.
- All decisions of the judge(s), scorekeepers, timer, and/or moderator are final.
All of this information and more can be found at: