weTable in the News
NOAA Spotlite: Gathering around the weTable, February 20, 2013
Users gather around a weTable configuration at the University of Delaware’s Hugh R. Sharp Campus in Lewes, Del. (Credit: Mark Deshon)Texas A&M's AgriLife TODAY: Innovative public engagement tool focus of conference, january 28, 2013
HOUSTON- The WeTable, a do-it-yourself portable touch table system aimed at helping public officials make community decisions, will be the subject of a two-day, hands on training in Houston, FEB 26-27, officials said.University of Delaware: Sea Grant Demonstrates weTable, September 5, 2012
During the annual staff retreat of the University of Delaware’s Institute for Public Administration on Aug. 22, Ed Lewandowski of the College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment demonstrated a technology application based on the popular Wii — the “weTable.”Tamu times: Coastal Planning Helps Conserve Resources, Educate Communities July 24, 2012
Two of their high-tech tools are the weTable and the Community Health And Resource Management (CHARM) software model. Jacob and his team recently received a $100,000 federal grant to use these tools to help Rockport area leaders and citizens make far-reaching decisions about the area’s growth over the next quarter century.Rockport Pilot: ‘Growth’ project receives $100K grant, May 09, 2012
Community leaders, elected officials and residents in the Rockport area will work side-by-side using ordinary tables and light pens in new ways to crunch complex data and make far-reaching decisions about the area’s growth over the next quarter-century, thanks to a $100,000 federal grant.NOAA Coastal Services Center: New Tools are Enhancing the Public Decision-Making Process in Texas, May/June 2012
One of the tools developed by the Texas Coastal Watershed Program is the Coastal CHARM (Community Health and Resource Management) model, which is built on CommunityViz, a modeling software plugin for ArcGIS software. The model allows users to quickly test a variety of possible futures.Texas A&M’s AgriLife TODAY: Coastal CHARM goes electronic game style for community planning, July 18, 2011
Hovering over a common table and armed with a light pen, several teams of coastal community planners and local residents recently “played” with various scenarios that they could, in fact, be faced with in coming years, such as 410,000 additional people living in the western Galveston Bay area with a category 3, 4 or 5 hurricane approaching.GeoDesign in the Curriculum: The GeoDesign Industry Needs Your Students, June 27, 2011
Doug Walker from Placeways, looks at how CHARM and what this potentially means for students entering the geodesign industry.Orton Family Foundation Blog: Tabletop Planning with CommunityViz, June 15, 2011
Computer-enabled tabletop sketch planning is on the rise.Houston Chronicle article: Software puts development in public’s hands, June 06, 2011
Dr. John Jacob, program director for Texas A&M AgriLife's Coastal Watershed Program, and Steven Mikulencak, program coordinator, have developed with the aid of consultants, CHARM, an innovative software package. CHARM, allows for rapid responses to questions, such as, how development will affect water use, traffic or the environment.