Tarrant County is an urban county with a population of 1,982,498 in July 2015 (U.S. Census Bureau). This includes two major Texas cities, Fort Worth with 833,319 residents and Arlington with 388,125 residents as well as 39 other municipalities (North Central Texas Council of Governments). Commercial Horticulture contributes to the local economy with a 161 million dollar ornamental plant production industry, a 691 million dollar retail nursery segment, and a 242 million dollar landscape maintenance and construction industry in the Fort Worth Metropolitan Statistical Area (Economic Scope of the Green Industry in Texas, 2011). Other horticultural crops grown in the county include small fruits and vegetables, tree crops, grapes, and herbs.
If you have a question about your landscape or garden, below are some helpful links:
Aggie Horticulture
Aggie Turf
Texas A&M Forest Service
Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab
Soil, Water, and Forage Testing Lab
If you can’t find the answers you are looking for, please contact the Tarrant County Master Gardener Help Desk at 817-884-1944 or email them at tarrantmg@ag.tamu.edu. Our Master Gardeners are happy to answer any questions you may have!