Tag Archives: SuperJuly

Wednesday Word of the Week: Partnerships

 Sharing responsibility for delivering services by engaging other entities to invest some of their factors of production into the process. 7 According to the Texas Municipal Park Providers survey more than 50% of communities are working with 1 or more sports associations, schools, public entities, and formal volunteer organizations. Who can you partner with to provide the best parks and create the healthiest Super Heroes in your community?

Wednesday Work of the Week: Community

  A Community is a geographical planning jurisdiction, whether a it is a city, county, township, or town, and the people, businesses, and institutions that are a part of it and make it a center of human activity. 28 Many communities are full of places and super heroes that make it possible to provide parks and recreation. Check out what we learned from the Texas Municipal Park Providers survey as to who helps with parks in Texas.

Wednesday Word of the Week: Bridges

A bridge is a structure that spans an obstacle (water, road) and provides access from one area to another. They can help people stay oriented  along trails, and allow observation of nature. 28 Our super heroes also act as bridges. They help connect citizens to local park resources and provide access to places that keep people healthy and active.