Author Archives: jamie-rae.walker

KA-POW… Super Hero Support

Did you know AgriLife Extension Urban and Municipal Parks efforts are available to help your agency or organization be the best Super Hero for your municipal parks? For 50 years, the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences as been providing unbiased education and applied research at Texas A&M University. Check out some of our key Extension resources: online dictionary select presentations fact sheets If you need more assistance, please fill out a request form. We are here to help you be the best Super Hero in the… Read More →

Wednesday Word of the Week: Bridges

A bridge is a structure that spans an obstacle (water, road) and provides access from one area to another. They can help people stay oriented  along trails, and allow observation of nature. 28 Our super heroes also act as bridges. They help connect citizens to local park resources and provide access to places that keep people healthy and active.

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