Tag Archives: Drought Monitor

More than Colorful Pictures:  Additional Uses for the U.S. Drought Monitor

This item is adapted from the July 3 Texas A&M—AgriLife Agronomic Monday Memo (TAM-AAMM). Calvin Trostle, Ph.D., Professor & Extension Agronomist, TAMU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, (806) 746-6101, ctrostle@ag.tamu.edu A bird’s eye view of drought conditions in your general area     Fig. 1.  Comparison of Texas drought conditions on June 27, 2023, versus an earlier date of your choice (here three months earlier, March 28, 2023).  Statistics give the percentage of each drought category.  This side-by-side comparison of dates is one of many functions… Read More →