Category Archives: February 2020

Slight chance of vernalization issues in late-planted wheat: West Central Texas

Reagan Noland – Assistant Professor & Extension Agronomist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, San Angelo, TX Substantial wheat acreage in West Central Texas was planted later than normal, largely due to very dry fall conditions. Much of the region received less than 1 inch of rain through September and October combined, compared to the average >5 inches (Figure 1). Depending on the timing of planting relative to isolated rain events in November and December, some wheat did not emerge until late December or possibly early January. Average temperatures… Read More →

Update on Industrial Hemp for Texas—February 2020

  Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, TAMU Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, TX (806) 723-8432, February 10, 2020 USDA & Texas Department of Agriculture Rules Updates In late January USDA approved the Texas Department of Agriculture state hemp plan. This is an important step in the move toward legal hemp in Texas in 2020. What is somewhat surprising is TDA’s public comment period is still open another two weeks to Feb. 10. Does this mean that TDA might make some changes in their approved rules? Possibly. Will… Read More →

Guidelines for 2,4-D Use in Wheat

Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Texas A&M AgriLife/Texas A&M University, Lubbock, 806-746-6101, In 2015 I wrote about sensitivity of small grains—wheat specifically—to 2,4-D products, dicamba, and MCPA. I noted a handy guide from Purdue University that explained the differences between 2,4-D amines and 2,4-D esters, which discussed the pros and cons of these two formulations. You can review that earlier newsletter at The link noted there for the Purdue guide is (or directly from,4-D%20Amine%20or%20Ester%202004-Purdue.pdf) 2,4-D and Sensitivity in… Read More →

Fine-tuning dual-use wheat management for forage and grain production

Morgan N. McCulloch1 and Reagan L. Noland2 1. Agronomy Program Aide, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, San Angelo, TX 2. Assistant Professor & Extension Agronomist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, San Angelo, TX Dual-use wheat management is a common practice to optimize production of wheat as both a forage and grain crop, but Texas producers lack specific management information for this system. When managing wheat as both a forage and/or grain crop, specific grazing intensity immediately prior to jointing (first hollow stem) can influence a tradeoff between forage… Read More →

Current and upcoming options for managing reniform nematode in cotton

Jennifer Dudak1 and Reagan Noland2 1. Graduate Research Assistant, Texas A&M University 2. Assistant Professor & Extension Agronomist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, San Angelo, TX As the threat of reniform nematodes increases on cotton yields in Texas, so does the need for tools to contend with this pest. A two-part study was initiated to identify the most effective management tools among cotton genetics and nematicides. This is a brief summary of findings from the first year (2019) at three locations across the state with known reniform nematode… Read More →