Author Archives: l-francis

Outlook for Northern High Plains Cotton – Mitigating Cool Temperatures and an Immature Crop

by Seth Byrd – Extension Cotton Specialist, Lubbock, TX; Gaylon Morgan – State Extension Cotton Specialist, College Station, TX The role of temperature, and specifically heat, in the growth and development of cotton is a common topic of discussion during the season.  Heat units are a critical component for cotton’s growth and development; whether for germination and emergence, reproductive development, or fiber maturity and boll opening.  In regards to maturing fiber and opening bolls, 900 – 1200 heat units are typically needed to go from a white flower to an… Read More →

What is Causing the Late-season Cotton Defoliation in Cotton in West Texas?

by Dr. Tom Isakeit, Extension Plant Pathologist, – College Station, TX; Dr. Gaylon Morgan, Extension Cotton Agronomist – College Station, TX;  Dr. Jason Woodward, Extension Plant Pathologist – Lubbock Many cotton fields in the High Plains and Rolling Plains of Texas are experiencing browning or bronzing of the foliage (Figure 1), often accompanied by premature defoliation.  Several leaf spots are commonly associated with such affected foliage.  Different species of fungi have been found to cause these leaf spots.  These are species of the genera Corynespora (Figure 2), Cercospora… Read More →

Seeding rate may be one way to cut wheat costs this year

by  Dr. Clark Neely, Statewide Small Grains and Oilseed Extension Specialist, College Station, TX Dr. Josh McGinty, Regional Extension Agronomist, Corpus Christi, TX Planting season is quickly approaching for producers planting wheat for grain this fall. As everyone knows, wheat prices are low and turning a profit will be difficult. Finding ways to cut costs and not influence yield or returns will be important. One potential option is cutting back seeding rates. Over the past two years, seeding rate treatments have been incorporated into variety trials across the… Read More →

Wheat Variety Disease & Insect Tolerance Traits—2017-2018

by Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, TAMU Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, (806) 723-8432, Dr. Clark Neely, State Extension Small Grains Specialist, TAMU Soil & Crop Sciences, College Station, TX, In an August article in Texas Row Crops Newsletter we noted Texas A&M AgriLife Extension “Pick” wheat varieties for grain in the Texas High Plains.  Since then additional Picks were published for hard red winter wheat for the Rolling Plains, Blacklands, and South Texas.  Furthermore, Picks have been designated for soft red winter wheat in Blacklands… Read More →

The Risk of Elevated Aflatoxin in Cottonseed Exposed to Prolonged Rain

by Tom Isakeit, Professor and Extension Specialist, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, College Station. As a consequence of the sustained, heavy rain from Hurricane Harvey, mature cotton in the field, or exposed cotton in modules or bales that stayed wet, may be at risk for aflatoxin contamination.  The only way to know for sure is to analyze samples. Aflatoxin contamination is not just a problem in corn and peanuts, but it can also occur in cottonseed.  In Texas, contamination can occur primarily in cotton production areas of south Texas… Read More →

Cotton Growth Stages – Cutout

by Seth Byrd, Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Lubbock, TX; 806.746.6101, and Wayne Keeling,  Professor, Agronomy Systems Weed Science, Lubbock, TX., 806-742-4026, What it is and why it’s important. Cutout and blooming out the top are often confused as the same growth stage. At cutout there are still many potential fruiting sites to be developed, and the timing of cutout is often used as a gauge of the fruiting window and yield potential. Blooming out the top signals the end of… Read More →

Wheat Variety Grain Picks for the Texas High Plains—2017-2018

by Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, TAMU Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, (806) 723-8432, Dr. Jourdan Bell, Extension Agronomy, TAMU Soil & Crop Sciences, Amarillo, (806) 677-5600, Texas A&M AgriLife Staff in Amarillo and Lubbock have designated our annual wheat grain variety “Picks” for the 2017-2018 Texas High Plains cropping season.  Our ongoing Picks criteria include a minimum of three years of irrigated or dryland data in Texas A&M AgriLife High Plains wheat variety trials across numerous annual locations. Also, a “Pick” variety means this:  “Given… Read More →

What is Causing the Pre-mature Defoliation in Cotton?

by Dr. Tom Isakeit, Extension Plant Pathology; Dr. Gaylon Morgan, Extension Cotton Agronomist Cotton fields in Upper Coast counties of Texas that are experiencing browning or bronzing of the foliage (Figure 1), often accompanied by defoliation, usually have leaf spots.  There can be several different species of fungi associated with these leaf spots.  These are species of the genera Corynespora (Figure 2), Cercospora (Figure 3), Alternaria and Stemphyllium (Figure 4).  Some fields have leaf spots associated with one species only, while several species may be present in other… Read More →

Spray Drift Damage: What Injured Landowners Need to Know

by Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Unfortunately, as many farmers know all too well, applications of various pesticides can result in drift and cause damage to neighboring property owners.  In the event this happens, it is important for an injured farmer to know what steps to take and what options are available to remedy the situation. First and foremost, the injured farmer should document any evidence, including taking photographs or samples of damaged crops or foliage, documenting wind speed, direction, temperature, and getting statements from… Read More →

How to Interpret Herbicide Mode of Action?

by Muthu Bagavathiannan, Spencer Samuelson, Josh McGinty, Peter Dotray, Gaylon Morgan Herbicide-resistant weeds are proliferating across Texas. One of the major causes of weed resistance is the use of the same herbicide over and over again without sufficient management herbicide diversity. It is critical that growers must integrate diverse chemical and non-chemical practices to reduce the selection pressure (represented by how quickly a rare resistant plant dominates a field) imposed by any single weed management tool. When multiple tools are used in combination, as opposed to a single… Read More →