by Seth Byrd, and Jourdan Bell,
The results of the 2017 Replicated Agronomic Cotton Evaluations (or RACE) Trials for the High Plains are now available at These trials encompass both the Northern and Southern High Plains regions and provide growers with information critical to cotton production in these regions, including yield, fiber quality, and maturity measurements.
The results are divided into two sections, with section one consisting of the pooled data and individual results of the 13 trials in the Southern High Plains, while section covers the data relating to the 6 Northern High Plains RACE Trials as well as supplemental data on a row spacing trial. These results can be a useful tool, when combined with experience and other variety data from industry or research and extension personnel regarding variety response to factors such as irrigation, disease pressure, or nematodes, to aid producers in making informed decisions on variety selection and placement.
We would like to thank Plains Cotton Growers for their gracious support of the trials, the participating seed companies for their support of variety evaluation work in the High Plains, and the cooperators for their time and patience in the planting, maintenance, and harvest of these trials.

Seth Byrd
Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Lubbock, TX