The sugarcane aphid is a pest of sorghum. Learn more about this pest and how to identify it by viewing the training below.
Click on the appropriate titles below to learn more about the topic. Each training takes less than two minutes to read or view in the form of a video. You can also access a printable pdf version here.
(Haz clic en el título del tema que quieres estudiar. Puede leer o ver los entrenimientos como video que toman menos de 3 minutos. Puedes imprimir un documento de pdf aqui.)
Sugarcane Aphids 101 (English) Pulgones Amarillos 101 (Español)
What’s the big deal with the sugarcane aphid in sorghum? Learn the basics about this pest in a simplified training.
(¿Porque es importante saber sobre el pulgon amarillo en el sorgo? Aprende los basicos sobre este insecto en este entrenimiento sencillo.)
Sugarcane Aphid’s 101
What’s the big deal with the sugarcane aphid in sorghum? Learn the basics about this pest in a simplified training.
Sugarcane Aphid Identification (English) La Identificación de los Pulgones Amarillos (Español)
Learn to identify these aphids so you can detect their presence in your sorghum and take appropriate action against these pests.
(Aprende como identificar los pulgones amarillos para que pueda reconocerlos cuando los encuentra.)
Sugarcane Aphid Identification Basics
Learn to identify the sugarcane aphid. Once you know what they look like you can detect their presence. This will allow you to take appropriate action against
Sugarcane Aphid Identification & Estimation Techniques
This video quickly details the way to identify the sugarcane aphid. Once identified, you will need to know how to estimate the population density of this insect. A mastery of these skills can help farmers and pest managers to better control for this insect.
Here are some more tools to help identify and estimate sugarcane aphids.
Sugarcane Aphid Identification A card that gives you all you need to know about identifying the sugarcane aphid. It is two sided and has simplified information you can take with you into the field. Disponible en español.
Common Aphid Identification in Texas Small Grains A tool to help managers determine what type of aphid might be found on their small grains. The tool takes you step by step to find out which aphid is present.