Author Archives: jason.gill

In which I start updating this website again

I’m not sure if “web sites” and “blog posts” are still a thing in 2022, but I am too old to start a TikTok channel so keeping this site updated will probably have to do. I will add posts on some of our lab’s papers from the last few years, and basically try to keep this place more up to date. Here is an update with one of our more recent papers, a followup on the 2016 Patterson case intervention.  This was described in a 2017 paper, but… Read More →

This Week in Virology #502: Texas road phage

In which Dr. Young and I wax eloquent on phages.

Novartis joins the Big Pharma exodus out of antibiotics | Endpoints News

Novartis joins the Big Pharma exodus out of antibiotics, dumping research, cutting 140 and out-licensing programs

Turning A Phage | IPATH at UC San Diego

Image from Wellcome Images With microbial resistance to antibiotics growing into a major global health crisis, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, in collaboration with national research institutions and private industry, are leveraging hard-won expertise to exploit a natural viral enemy of pathogenic bacteria, creating North America’s first Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics (IPATH). UCSD press release announcing IPATH IPATH website

Fighting Infection with Phages | NIH

Antimicrobial resistance is a serious threat to modern medicine: As MRSA and other bacteria become immune to our most common antibiotics, researchers must develop new ways to fight these pathogens. One of these alternatives actually involves viruses called bacteriophages, which prey on bacteria. Though bacteriophages (or “phages” for short) are not currently approved for widespread human use within the United States, they are being used under Emergency Investigative New Drug FDA clearance and could one day be used in conjunction with antibiotics to treat the most stubborn bacterial… Read More →

Trillions Upon Trillions of Viruses Fall From the Sky Each Day | NYT

New York Times High in the Sierra Nevada mountains of Spain, an international team of researchers set out four buckets to gather a shower of viruses falling from the sky. Scientists have surmised there is a stream of viruses circling the planet, above the planet’s weather systems but below the level of airline travel. Very little is known about this realm, and that’s why the number of deposited viruses stunned the team in Spain. Each day, they calculated, some 800 million viruses cascade onto every square meter of… Read More →

Superbugs Are Nearly Impossible to Fight. This Last-Resort Medical Treatment Offers Hope | Time Magazine

On the evening of Nov. 7, Steffanie Strathdee sent out a cryptic tweet: “#Phage researchers! I am working with a team to get Burkholderia cepacia phages to treat a 25 y old woman with CF whose infection has failed all #antibiotics. We need lytic non-lysogenic phage URGENTLY to find suitable phage matches. Email if you can help!” The message was retweeted nearly 400 times. To the average social-media user, the tweet might as well have been written in another language, but to those who know Strathdee, it was… Read More →

This man should have died, but unusual infusions saved his life – The Washington Post

Bacteriophages, which are bacteria-killing viruses, succeeded where antibiotics failed. Source: This man should have died, but unusual infusions saved his life – The Washington Post

Sewage Saved This Man’s Life. Someday It Could Save Yours. | HuffPost

Bacteriophages — viruses found in soil, water and human waste — may be the cure in a post-antibiotic world. Source: Sewage Saved This Man’s Life. Someday It Could Save Yours. | HuffPost

Viral Soldiers | The Scientist Magazine

Phage therapy to combat bacterial infections is garnering attention for the second time in 100 years, but solid clinical support for its widespread use is still lacking. Source: Viral Soldiers | The Scientist Magazine®