4-H Day at Sam Houston State University

Sam Houston State University will be hosting a 4-H & FFA Day at their football game on Saturday, November 19th. Youth can take tours and learn more about the campus life at Sam Houston, while attending the football game at a discounted rate! USE CODE: 4HFFA Purchase tickets online at https://gobearkats.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventList?groupCode=FB-SINGLE&linkID=shsu-athletics&shopperContext=&caller=&appCode=

Pecan Harvest Festival

Pecan Harvest Festival at 402 Morton Street, Richmond TX, 77469 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Joann’s Mini Grant Application Deadline

JOANN Fabric & Craft is helping 4-H bring more hands-on programs to local communities across the nation to inspire kids to lead lives with their hearts, hands, and minds. The Clovers for Kids campaign monies are now available to Texas 4-H clubs, project groups, and county 4-H programs through a mini-grant program. Mini-grants are designed to help build and support 4-H Fashion and Interior Design project work. This year we are excited to announce that we will be increasing the number of grants to be awarded AND an... Read More →

Eligibility Forms DUE

Visit https://agrilife.org/ftbend4h/eligibility-form/ for your copy of the Fort Bend County Roundup Eligibility Form. DUE November 30th!

Fort Bend County 4-H Roundup

Fort Bend County Extension Office 1402 Band Road, Ste. 100, Rosenberg, TX, United States

Registration for Round up will be available November 1st - 18th 2022