D-9 Archery Contest DEADLINE
4-H Onlinehttps://d94-h.tamu.edu/eventsandcontests/shooting-sports/
Late Registration DUE for D-9 Invitational Quiz Bowl starting December 22nd through January 9th, 2022 via 4-H Online https://v2.4honline.com/#/user/sign-in
Dog validation DUE in 4-H Online. https://v2.4honline.com/#/user/sign-in
Mandatory Shooting Sports Coaches Meeting at 6:30 PM in the Range. Email with details, coming soon!
Looking for an opportunity to learn more about the 4-H Food Challenge Contest? A hands on workshop is being held on Saturday, January 28, 2023 at the Walker County Storm Shelter in Huntsville. The workshop is geared towards coaches’ parents, agents and those who serve as judges.
Join us for our next Livestock Coalition Meeting!
Save the Date!! Texas 4-H will be having their night at NASA again this year! On March 4-5, 2023, any actively enrolled 4-H member will be able to participate in hands-on STEM activities, presentations from astronauts, a guided tour of rocket city, and get to have an overnight camping experience at the space center. Registration will be open on 4HOnline January 1-31, 2023, and will be $90/ person (youth or adult).