We are excited to bring LEAD Academy back to a face-to-face event for 2022! LEAD Academy will be held June 6-9, 2022 (same week as Texas 4-H Roundup) in College Station. This is a next-level leadership learning opportunity for Senior 4-H members (grades 9-12), adult volunteers and parents. We already have some great opportunities in the works but need your help in providing educational workshops for both youth and adults! Workshops are being scheduled for Wednesday, June 8th and Thursday, June 9th.
If you are interested in leading a workshop, please use the following link to provide us with a proposal. We will be accepting proposals now through Thursday, March 31, 2022. Our plan is to notify everyone if they have been selected to present the week of April 4th.
LEAD Academy – Workshop Proposal link: https://forms.office.com/r/pQ47vTPAXT
In addition we want to make sure that we are providing workshop topics that both our youth and adult participants are interested in learning about. If you know of a topic that our youth, adults, or both need to learn more about, please use the following link to provide us with some possible workshops and we will see what we can do to find a speaker for that topic.
LEAD Academy – Workshop Ideas link: https://forms.office.com/r/SHPkULX9ue
Please share this with any volunteers, youth, or other organizations who may be interested in presenting or have ideas on possible workshops. We look forward to reading your proposals as well as workshop ideas!