Sandoval, C*, M. A. Mora#, J. Sericano, R. R. Rech. 2019. Persistent organic pollutants in livers and Hg in feathers of Neotropic cormorants (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) from the Trinity River Watershed (Texas, USA). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. DOI: 10.1007/s00244-018-00596-4.
Ali Abdulameer Al-Badran*, Masami Fujiwara, Delbert M. Gatlin III, Miguel Mora. 2018. Lethal and sub-lethal effects of the insecticide fipronil on juvenile brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus aztecus. Scientific Reports 8:10769 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-29104-3.
Ertl, Hannah M.*, Miguel A. Mora#, Diane E. Boellstorff, Donald Brightsmith, Katherine Carson. 2018. Potential Effects of Neonicotinoid Insecticides on Northern Bobwhites. Wildlife Society Bulletin 42:649-655; DOI: 10.1002/wsb.921.
Schmude, E.*, H. M. Ertl*, R. J. Taylor, M. A. Mora#. 2018. Using Feathers to Evaluate Adverse Effects of Metals on Northern Bobwhites (Colinus Virginianus) in Texas. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 75:87-95. DOI: 10.1007/s00244-018-0520-3.
González, D*., Dioselina Alvarez Bernal, Miguel A. Mora, Héctor René Buelna Osben, Jorge Ricardo Ruelas Insunza,. 2018. Biomonitoreo de metales pesados en plumas de aves acuáticas residentes del Lago de Chapala, Mexico. Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental. 34 (2) 215-224. DOI: 10.20937/RICA.2018.34.02.0334:00-00.
Ertl, Hannah M.*, Miguel A. Mora#, Donald J. Brightsmith, Jorge A. Navarro-Alberto. 2018. Potential Impact of Neonicotinoid Use on Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) in Texas: A Historical Analysis. PLoS One 13 (1): e0191100. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191100.
Entwistle, C.* and M. Mora. 2017. Estimating net gains and losses of coastal wetlands in Galveston County and Cameron County, Texas. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. (DOI) – 10.1002/ieam.1973
Telesford-Checkley, J.M.*, M.A. Mora#, T.J. Gentry, T.J. McDonald, D.E. Boellstorff. 2017. Impacts of Heronries on Water Quality as Evaluated through Escherichia coli and Fecal Sterol Analyses. Water Environment Research. 89:508-518, doi:10.2175/WERD1600299.1
Telesford-Checkley, Judlyn M.*, Miguel A. Mora#, William E. Grant, Diane E. Boellstorff, Tony L. Provin. 2017. Estimating the contribution of nitrogen and phosphorus to watersheds by colonial nesting waterbirds. Science of the Total Environment 574:1335-1344.
Maldonado, Alejandra R.*, Miguel A. Mora, José L. Sericano. 2017. Seasonal differences in contaminant accumulation in Neotropical migrant and resident songbirds. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 72:39-49. DOI: 10.1007/s00244-016-0323-3.
Rodríguez-Jorquera, Ignacio A., Pablo Siroski, Winfred Espejo, Jorge Nimptsch, Paloma Gusso Choueri, Rodrigo Brasil Choueri, Claudio A. Moraga, Miguel Mora, Gurpal S. Toor. 2017. Latin American Protected Areas: Protected from Chemical Pollution?” Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 13:360-370. DOI: 10.1002/ieam.1839.
Telesford-Checkley, J.M.*, M.A. Mora, T.J. Gentry, T.J. McDonald, D.E. Boellstorff. 2016. Impacts of Heronries on Water Quality as Evaluated through Escherichia coli and Fecal Sterol Analyses. Water Environment Research. DOI: 10.2175/106143017×14902968254430.
Maldonado, Alejandra R.*, Miguel A. Mora, José L. Sericano. Seasonal differences in contaminant accumulation in Neotropical migrant and resident songbirds. 2016. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. DOI: 10.1007/s00244-016-0323-3.
Yuwei Xie, Pu Xia, Hui Wang, Hongxia Yu, John P. Giesy, Yimin Zhang, Miguel A. Mora, and Xiaowei Zhang. 2016. Effects of captivity and artificial breeding on microbiota in feces of the red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis). Scientific Reports 6:33350, DOI: 10.1038/srep33350
Rodríguez-Jorquera, Ignacio A., Pablo Siroski, Winfred Espejo, Jorge Nimptsch, Paloma Gusso Choueri, Rodrigo Brasil Choueri, Claudio A. Moraga, Miguel Mora, Gurpal S. Toor. 2016. Latin American Protected Areas: Protected from Chemical Pollution?” Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, DOI: 10.1002/ieam.1839.
Telesford-Checkley, Judlyn M.*, Miguel A. Mora, William E. Grant, Diane E. Boellstorff, Tony L. Provin. 2017. Estimating the contribution of nitrogen and phosphorus to watersheds by colonial nesting waterbirds. Science of the Total Environment 574:1335-1344.
Telesford-Checkley, J.M.*, Miguel A. Mora, Diane E. Boellstorff, and Tony L. Provin. 2016. An Evaluation of the Contribution of Macro- and Microelements from Colonial Nesting Waterbirds to Surface Water. Journal of Environmental Quality 45:1705-1712. DOI: 10.2134/jeq2016.01.0019.
Torres, Z.*, Miguel A. Mora, Robert J. Taylor, and Dioselina Alvarez-Bernal. 2016. Tracking metal pollution in Lake Chapala: concentrations in water, sediments, and fish. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 97:418-424. DOI 10.1007s00128-016-1892-6.
Álvarez-Bernal, D., Marcos A. Lastiri-Hernández, Héctor R. Buelna-Osben, Silvia M. Contreras- Ramos, Miguel A. Mora. 2016. Vermicompost as an alternative of management for water hyacinth. Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental 32 (4):425-433. DOI: 10.20937/RICA.2016.32.04.06.
Mora, MA., Durgin, BE.*, Hudson, LB.*, Jones, E. 2016. Temporal and Latitudinal Trends of p,p’- DDE in Eggs and Carcass of North American Birds from 1980-2005. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35:1340-1348. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3360.
Torres, Zaria*; Mora, Miguel; Taylor, Robert; Alvarez-Bernal, Dioselina; Buelna, Hector; Hyodo, Ayumi. 2014. Accumulation and Hazard Assessment of Mercury to Waterbirds at Lake Chapala, Mexico. Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 6359−6365. DOI:10.1021/es4048076
Watkins, Crystal D.*, Kirk O. Winemiller, Miguel A. Mora, Bowen Du, C. Kevin Chambliss, Bryan W. Brooks, David Phalen. 2014. Assessment of Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) Health Indicators in Relation to Domestic Wastewater Discharges in Suburbs of Houston, USA. Bull. Environm. Contam. Toxicol.93:13-18.
Torres, Z., Mora, M. A.,Taylor, R. J., Alvarez-Bernal, D., Buelna, H. R., & Hyodo, A. 2014. Accumulation and hazard assessment of mercury to waterbirds at lake chapala, Mexico. Environmental science & technology,48(11), 6359. (pdf)
Watkins, C. D., Winemiller, K. O., Mora, M. A., Du, B., Chambliss, C. K., Brooks, B. W., & Phalen, D. (2014). Assessment of Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) Health Indicators in Relation to Domestic Wastewater Discharges in Suburbs of Houston, USA. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 1-6. (pdf)
Alvarez-Bernal*, D. Salvador Ochoa-Estrada, Miriam Arroyo-Damian, Héctor Rene Buelna-Osben, Rodrigo Moncayo-Estrada, Miguel Mora . 2013. Assessment of water quality of drains from irrigation district in a semiarid agricultural zone. International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research 3:7-15.
Mora, M.A., W. E. Grant, L. Wilkins, Hsiao-Hsuan Wang. 2013. Simulated effects of reduced spring flow from the Edwards Aquifer on population size of the fountain darter (Etheostoma fonticola). Ecol. Model.250:235-243. (pdf)
Parkes, M.L., M. A. Mora, and R. A. Feagin. 2012. Using Scale, Cover Type, and GIS to Evaluate Nuisance Cattle Egret Colony Site Selection. Waterbirds 35:56-63. (pdf)
Engelman, Catherine A., William E. Grant, Miguel A. Mora, Marc Woodin. 2012. Modelling effects of chemical exposure on birds wintering in agricultural landscapes: The western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) as a case study. Ecological Modelling 224:90-102. (pdf)
Mora, M.A., J. L. Sericano, C. Baxter. 2012. Swallows as Indicators of Environmental Pollution of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Basin: Are Persistent Organic Pollutants a Concern? Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 62:512-518, DOI: 10.1007/s00244-011-9718-3. (pdf)
Mora MA, Baxter C, Sericano JL, Montoya AB, Gallardo JC, Rodríguez-Salazar JR. 2011. PBDEs, PCBs, and DDE in eggs and their impacts on aplomado falcons (Falco femoralis) from Chihuahua and Veracruz, Mexico. Environmental Pollution. 159:3433-3438, doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2011.08.025. (pdf)
Mora, M.A., B. Brattin, C. Baxter, and J. W. Rivers. 2011. Regional and interspecific variation in Sr, Ca, and Sr/Ca ratios in avian eggshells from the USA. Ecotoxicology 20:1467-1475, doi: 10.1007/s10646-011-0703-4. (pdf)
Phalen, D.N., M. L. Drew, B. Simpson, K. Roset, K. Dubose, and M. Mora. 2010. Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica in cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) chicks from central Texas: Prevalence, serotypes, pathogenicity and epizootic potential. Journal Wildlife Diseases 46:379-389. (pdf)
Brumbaugh WG, Mora MA, May TW, Phalen DN. 2010. Metal exposure and effects in voles and small birds near a mining haul road in Cape Krusenstern National Monument, Alaska. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 170:73-86, doi: 10.1007/s10661-009-1216-y. (pdf)
Cobos, VM, Mora MA, Escalona G, Calme S, Jiménez J. 2010. Variation in plasma cholinesterase activity in the clay-colored robin (Turdus grayi) in relation to time of day, season, and diazinon exposure. Ecotoxicology 19:267-272, doi: 10.1007/s10646-009-0409-z. (pdf)
Sitzlar, M. A*, M. A. Mora, J. A. Fleming, F. W. Bazer, J. W. Bickham, C Matson. 2009. Potential effects of environmental contaminants on P450 aromatase activity and DNA damage in swallows from the Rio Grande and Somerville, Texas, USA. Ecotoxicology 18:15-21. (pdf)
Mora, M. A. 2008. Persistent organochlorine pollutants and stable isotopes in resident and migrant passerine birds from northwest Michoacán, Mexico. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 55:488-495. (pdf)
Mora, M. A. ,A. B. Montoya, P. W. Juergens, M. C. Lee, A. Macías-Duarte, R. Rodríguez-Salazar, A. Lafón-Terrazas. 2008. Persistent Environmental Pollutants in Eggs of Aplomado Falcons from Northern Chihuahua, Mexico, and South Texas, USA. Environment International 34:44-50. (pdf)
Pisani, J. M.*, W. E. Grant and M. A. Mora. 2008. Simulating the impact of cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides on non-target wildlife in irrigated crops. Ecological Modelling 210:179-192. (pdf)
Mora, M.A., R. Taylor, and B. Brattin. 2007. Potential ecotoxicological significance of elevated concentrations of strontium in eggshells of passerine birds. The Condor 109:199-205. (pdf)
Mora, M.A., R.S. Skiles, and M. Paredes. 2007. Further assessment of environmental contaminants in avian prey of the peregrine falcon in Big Bend National Park, Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 52:54-59. (pdf)
Cobos, V.M.*, M.A. Mora, and G. Escalona. 2006. Inhibición de colinesterasa plasmática en el zorzal pardo (Turuds grayi), expuesto a diazinón en cultivos de papaya maradol en Yucatán, Mexico [Plasma cholinesterase inhibition in the clay-colored robin (Turdus grayi) exposed to diazinon in maradol papaya crops in Yucatan, Mexico]. Revista de Toxicologia 23:9-14. (pdf)
Mora, M.A., D. Musquiz, J.W. Bickham, D.S. MacKenzie, M.J. Hooper, J. Szabo, and C.W. Matson. 2006. Biomarkers of exposure and effects of environmental contaminants on swallows nesting along the Rio Grande, Texas, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25:1574-1584. (pdf)
Phalen, D.N., M.L. Drew, C. Contreras, K. Roset, and M. Mora. 2005. Naturally occurring secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism in cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) from central Texas. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41:401-415. (pdf)
Mora, M.A., T.W. Boutton, and D. Musquiz. 2005. Regional variation and relationships between the contaminants DDE and selenium and stable isotopes in swallows nesting along the Rio Grande and one reference site, Texas, USA. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 41:69-85. (pdf)
Maruya, K.A., K.L. Smalling, and M.A. Mora. 2005. Residues of Toxaphene in insectivorous birds (Petrochelidon spp) from the Rio Grande, Texas. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 48:567. (pdf)
Mora, M.A. 2004. (Book Review) Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology, Second Edition. Ecological Engineering 22:213-214. (pdf)
Mora, M.A. 2003. Heavy metals and metalloids in egg contents and eggshells of passerine birds from Arizona. Environmental Pollution 125:393-400. (pdf)
Mora, M.A., J. Rourke, S. Sferra, and K. King. 2003. Environmental contaminants in surrogate birds and insects inhabiting southwestern willow flycatcher habitat in Arizona. Studies in Avian Biology 26:168-176. (pdf)
Mora, M.A., J. Garcia, M.P. Carpio-Obeso, and K. King. 2003. Contaminants without borders: A regional assessment of the Colorado River delta ecosystem. P 1125-1134, in D.J. Rapport, W.L. Lasley, D.E. Rolston, N.O. Nielsen, C.O. Qualset, and A.B. Damania (eds.) Managing for Healthy Ecosystems, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida USA. (pdf)
Mora, M.A., R. Skiles, B. McKinney, M. Paredes, D. Buckler, D. Papoulias, and D. Klein. 2002. Environmental contaminants in prey and tissues of the peregrine falcon in the Big Bend Region, Texas, USA. Environmental Pollution 116:169-176. (pdf)
Garcia-Hernandez, J., K.A. King, A.L. Velasco, E. Shumilin, M.A. Mora, and E.P. Glenn. 2001. Selenium, selected inorganic elements, and organochlorine pesticides in bottom material and biota from the Colorado River delta. Journal of Arid Environments 49:65-89. (pdf)
Mora, M.A., D. Papoulias, I. Nava, and D. R. Buckler. 2001. Transboundary pollution: A comparative assessment of contaminants in fish from four resacas of the Texas, USA-Tamaulipas, Mexico border region. Environment International 27:15-20. (pdf)
Frank, D.S. M.A. Mora, J.L. Sericano, A.L. Blankenship, K. Kannan, and J.P. Giesy. 2001. Persistent organochlorine pollutants in eggs of colonial waterbirds from Galveston Bay and east Texas, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20:608-617. (pdf)
Wainwright, S.E. M.A. Mora, J.L. Sericano, and P. Thomas. 2001. Chlorinated hydrocarbons and biomarkers of exposure in wading birds and fish of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 40:101-111. (pdf)
Mora, M.A. ,L. L. Laack, M.C. Lee, J. Sericano, R. Presley, P.R. Gardinali, L. R. Gamble, S. Robertson, and D. Frank. 2000. Environmental contaminants in blood, hair, and tissues of ocelots from the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, 1986-97. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64:477-492. (pdf)
Mora, M.A. and J.M. Miller. 1998. Foraging flights, reproductive success, and organochlorine contaminants in cattle egrets nesting in a residential area of Bryan, Texas. Texas Journal of Science 50:205-214.
Mora, M.A. and S.E. Wainwright. 1998. DDE, mercury, and selenium in biota, sediments, and water of the Rio Grande-Rio Bravo Basin, 1965-1995. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 158:1-52.
Corson, M.S., M.A. Mora, and W.E. Grant. 1998. Simulating cholinesterase inhibition in birds caused by dietary insecticide exposure. Ecological Modelling 105:299-323. (pdf)
Mora, M.A. , M.C. Lee, J.P. Jenny, T.W. Schultz, J.L. Sericano, and N.J. Clum. 1997. Potential impacts of environmental contaminants on recovery of the aplomado falcon in south Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 61:1288-1296. (pdf)
Mora, M.A. 1997. Transboundary pollution: persistent organochlorine pesticides in migrant birds of the southwestern United States and Mexico. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16:3-11. (pdf)
Mora, M.A. 1997. Feeding flights of Cattle Egrets nesting in an agricultural ecosystem. Southwestern Naturalist 42:52-58.
Mora, M.A. 1996. Organochlorines and trace elements in four colonial waterbird species nesting in the Lower Laguna Madre, Texas. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 31:533-537.
Mora, M.A. 1996. Congener-specific polychlorinated biphenyl patterns in eggs of aquatic birds from the Lower Laguna Madre, Texas. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 15:1003-1010. (pdf)
Clark, D.R. Jr., A. Moreno-Valdez, and M.A. Mora. 1995. Organochlorine residues in bat guano from nine Mexican caves 1991. Ecotoxicology 4:258-265.
Verbrugge, D.A., J.P. Giesy, M.A. Mora, L.L. Williams, R. Rossman, R. A. Moll, and M. Tuchman. 1995. Concentrations of dissolved and particulate polychlorinated biphenyls in water from the Saginaw River, Michigan. Journal of the Great Lakes Research 21:219-233.
Giesy, J.P., W.W. Bowerman, M. A. Mora, D.A. Verbrugge, R. A. Othoudt, J.L. Newsted, C.L. Summer, R.J. Aulerich, S. J. Bursian, J.P. Ludwig, G.A. Dawson, T.J. Kubiak, D.A. Best, & D.E. Tillitt. 1995. Contaminants in fishes from Great Lakes-influenced sections and above dams of three Michigan rivers: III. Implications for health of bald eagles. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 29:309-321.
Mora, M.A. and D. W. Anderson. 1995. Selenium, boron, and heavy metals in birds from the Mexicali Valley, Baja California, Mexico. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 54:198-206.
Mora, M.A. 1995. Residues and trends of organochlorine pesticide and polychlorinated biphenyls in birds from Texas, 1965-1988. National Biological Survey, Fish and Wildlife Research 14, 26pp.
Giesy, J.P., D.A. Verbrugge, R. A. Othout, W.W. Bowerman, M. A. Mora, P.D. Jones, J.L. Newsted, C. Vandervoort, S.N. Heaton, R.J. Aulerich, S. J. Bursian, J.P. Ludwig, M. Ludwig, G.A. Dawson, T.J. Kubiak, D.A. Best, and D.E. Tillitt. 1994. Contaminants in fishes from Great Lakes-influenced sections and above dams of three Michigan rivers. I: Concentrations of organo chlorine insecticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxin equivalents, and mercury. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 27:202-212.
Giesy, J.P., D.A. Verbrugge, R. A. Othout, W.W. Bowerman, M. A. Mora, P.D. Jones, J.L. Newsted, C. Vandervoort, S.N. Heaton, R.J. Aulerich, S.J. Bursian, J.P. Ludwig, G.A. Dawson, T.J. Kubiak, D.A. Best, and D.E. Tillitt. 1994. Contaminants in fishes from Great Lakes-influenced sections and above dams of three Michigan rivers. II: Implications for health of mink. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 27:213-223.
Mora, M. A. , H. Auman, J. P. Ludwig, J. P. Giesy, D. A. Verbrugge, and M. E. Ludwig. 1993. Polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorinated insecticides in plasma of Caspian Terns: Relationships with age, productivity, and colony site tenacity in the Great Lakes. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 24:320-331. (pdf)
Mora, M. A. 1992. Habitat use by foraging Cattle Egrets in the Mexicali Valley, Baja California. Wilson Bulletin 104:142-148.
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