
Inventory Removal Request

Complete this form to start the process of removing computers, printers, projectors, etc. from your inventory. If you have further questions, please contact Sharon Harris at

  • Today's Date
  • Hit the "+" button if you have multiple items.
    Asset NumberDescriptionCondition (not working, outdated, etc)Primary User (person that uses this equipment) 
  • A copy of this confirmation will go to the e-mail address of the contact person handling this inventory action.
  • Anything else I may need to know about your inventory.

Below are the forms that will need to be completed and sent to Sharon Harris. 

  • AG-301 All Property Transfer – Complete for all inventory items.
  • AG-302 Inventory Deletion Request – USE ONLY IF YOU HAVE “CANNIBALIZED” THE MACHINE.  Off campus units can request for deletion all property not worthy of further use, it is being sold, it is being transferred to the Texas A&M Surplus Property Office, public school, political subdivision or approved assistance organization.
  • Ag-311 Property Used Away from Assigned LocationTHIS FORM MUST BE UPDATED ANNUALLY. If you use any company property away from its assigned location (computers, cameras, tablets etc..), please complete this form and email it to Sharon Harris at  to be placed in your inventory file.

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