Conference Summaries

The Economics of Alternative Energy Sources and Globalization, November 15-17, 2009, Orlando, Florida

Domestic and Trade Impacts of U.S. Farm Policy: Future Directions and Challenges, November 15-16, 2007, Washington, DC

Conference Summary: World Trade Organization Impacts on U.S. Farm Policy, June 1-3, 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana

Conference Summary: The Role of GMOs in Trade Disputes, October 30-31, 2003, San Antonio, Texas

 Conference Summary: Free Trade Area of the Americas, the WTO and New Farm Legislation – Responding to Opportunities and Challenges, May 23-34, 2002, San Antonio, Texas (Coordinated by Regional Research Committee S-287)

Conference Summary: Global Agricultural Trade in the New Millennium, May 25-26, 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana

  • Conference Summary

Briefing Book of Abstracts: Global Agricultural Trade in the New Millennium, CNAS 2000-6

  • Abstracts from Conference
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