Zhou Y, Bomfim B, Bond WJ, Boucher PB, Boutton TW, Butnor JR, Case MF, Coetsee C, Davies AB, February EC, Hockridge EG, Gray EF, Silva L, Wright J, Staver AC. 2023. Savanna carbon in response to fire suppression and woody encroachment. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2023: B42B-06.
Boutton TW, Hsiao CJ, Hyodo A. 2020. Trace gas fluxes from a warm-temperate savanna: Influence of vegetation cover and simulated rainfall events. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2020: GC055-0010.
Hsiao CJ, Leite PAM, Hyodo A, Boutton TW. 2020. Soil carbon and nitrogen storage in juniper-oak savanna: Role of vegetation and geology. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2020: GC004-0014
Deshpande AG, Boutton TW, Hyodo A, Moore GW. 2020. N cycling and retention through plant and soil pools in a bottomland hardwood forest with elevated N deposition. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2020: B115-0009.
Kjelgaard M, Eyer PA, Bockoven A, King J, Hyodo A, Boutton TW, Vargo E, Eubanks MD. 2020. Polygyne ants are not cooperating: Colony boundaries and larval discrimination in multiple-queen colonies of the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta). Annual Meeting, Entomological Society of America 2020.
Adams RE, Hyodo A, SantaMaria T, Wright CL, Boutton TW, West JB. 2020. Bound and mobile soil water isotope ratios are affected by soil texture and mineralogy, whereas extraction method influences their measurement. Abstracts, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2020.
Hsiao CJ, Hyodo A, Boutton TW. 2020. Soil CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions from a juniper-oak savanna in the southern Great Plains. Soil Survey and Land Resource Workshop, Texas A&M University.
Hsiao CJ, Hyodo A, Boutton TW. 2020. Soil carbon and nitrogen storage in calcareous soils of the southern Great Plains. Soil Survey and Land Resource Workshop, Texas A&M University.
Hsiao CJ, Hyodo A, Boutton TW. 2020. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic evidence for changes in land cover and ecosystem processes in a juniper-oak savanna. Ions@Work Symposium 2020, Texas A&M University.
Kjeldgaard MK, Underwood J, Hyodo A, Boutton TW, Eubanks MD. 2020. Spiking the ant punch: Evaluation of stable isotope tracers in the red imported fire ant. Ions@Work Symposium 2020, Texas A&M University.
Bekewe PE, Neely HL, Neely CB, Foster J, Lewis KL, Boutton TW, Gerrish BJ, Gyawali AJ. 2020. Comparing soil health parameters in no-till and conventional tillage farms across three ecoregions in Texas. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting 2020.
Deshpande A, Sedaghatdoost A, Hyodo A, Boutton TW, Moore GW. 2019. Nitrogen-carbon-water interactions under elevated N deposition in a seasonally flooded bottomland hardwood forest. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2019: B13E-2553.
Schirmacher M, DeLaune P, Gentry T, Mubvumba P, Boutton TW. 2019. Impacts of cover vs. double cropping on soil health in Texas no-till wheat systems. Abstracts, International Soils Meeting (SSSA, CSSS, MSSS) 2019: Session 74, 1116.
Belser EH, Hewitt DG, Fulbright TE, DeYoung CA, Wester DB, Boutton TW, Draeger DA. 2019. As the feeder spins: Aggression affects feed use by white-tailed deer. Abstracts, Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, 2019: 31.
Bekewe PE, Neely HL, Neely CB, Tomlin LE, Foster JL, Lewis KL, Boutton TW. 2019. Can double cropping provide similar soil health benefits as cover cropping in Texas? Abstracts, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting 2019: 109-5.
Bekewe PE, Neely HL, Neely CB, Tomlin LE, Foster JL, Lewis KL, Boutton TW. 2019. The impact of reduced tillage and double cropping on soil moisture dynamics. Abstracts, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting 2019: 316-10; 1239.
Bekewe PE, Neely HL, Neely CB, Foster JL, Lewis KL, Boutton TW. 2019. The impact of double cropping and tillage systems on soil health in wheat cropping systems in three ecoregions in Texas. Proceedings, Soil Survey and Land Resource Workshop:
Bekewe PE, Neely HL, Neely CB, Tomlin LE, Foster JL, Lewis KL, Boutton TW, Gerrish B. 2019. Towards improving soil health in wheat cropping systems in Texas. Proceedings, 31st Annual Texas Plant Protection Conference:
Bekewe PE, Neely HL, Neely CB, Foster JL, Lewis KL, Gerrish B, Boutton TW. 2019. The impact of double cropping and tillage systems on cropping systems productivity in three ecoregions in Texas. Proceedings of the Small Grains Workers Meeting: 2019
West JB, Adams RE, Hyodo A, Wright C, SantaMaria T, Boutton TW. 2018. Soil texture and extraction method effects on bound and mobile soil water fractions and isotope composition. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2018: H23P-2169
Deshpande AG, Hyodo A, Boutton TW, Lafon CW, Moore GW. 2018. Hydro-climatic variation affects C isotopic composition of tree-rings in a bottomland hardwood forest. Ions @ Work Symposium, Texas A&M University Mass Spectrometry Collaborative Core.
Hyodo A, Malghani S, Zhou Y, Mushinski R, Toyoda S, Yoshida N, Boutton TW, West JB. 2018. Does biochar amendment reduce N2O emissions by stimulating the last step of denitrification? A study using position-specific N isotopic composition. 11th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol) 2018: 70, CR667HQ.
Boutton TW. 2018. Vegetation dynamics and their influence on the carbon cycle: Evidence from soil δ13C. Texas A&M University GeoBio Mass Spectrometry (GBMS) Group Seminar. February 2018.
Zhou Y, Boutton TW, Wu XB. 2018. Soil δ15N values indicate changes in the N cycle of a subtropical savanna. Abstracts, 19th Annual Ecological Integration Symposium 2018: P1.
Burchsted J, Hewitt D, Boutton TW, Snow NP, Sanders HN, Perotto-Baldivieso HL. 2018. Pig diets: Pig tails tell the tale. Abstracts, Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting 2018: 36-37.
Belser EH, Hewitt DG, Fulbright TE, DeYoung CA, Boutton TW, Wester DB, Draeger DA. 2018. Social dominance affects pelleted feed consumption by white-tailed deer in south Texas. Abstracts, Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting 2018: 30.
Boutton TW, Zhou Y, Wu XB, Hyodo A. 2017. Savanna vegetation dynamics and their influence on landscape-scale C, N, and P biogeochemistry. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2017: B41L-06.
Zhou Y, Mushinski RM, Hyodo A, Wu XB, Boutton TW. 2017. Vegetation change alters soil profile δ15N values at the landscape scale in a subtropical savanna. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2017: B51G-1890.
Mushinski RM, Zhou Y, Gentry TJ, Boutton TW. 2017. The relative abundance of predicted genes associated with ammonia-oxidation, nitrate reduction, and biomass decomposition in mineral soil are altered by intensive timber harvest. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2017: B14B-03.
Deshpande AG, Lafon CW, Hyodo A, Boutton TW, Moore GW. 2017. Tree-ring chronologies and stable carbon isotopic composition reveal impacts of hydro-climate change on bottomland hardwood forests of South-Central Texas. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2017: B33C-2095.
Zhou Y, Boutton TW, Wu XB. 2017. Soil phosphorus does not keep pace with soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation following woody encroachment. Abstracts, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2017: COS 99-2.
Wilcox B, Fuhlendorf S, Archer S, Boutton T, West J, Barbosa P, Rogers B, Birt A, Wu B, Kreuter U, Kavanagh K, Tolleson D, Walker J. 2017. Savanna long-term research initiative in the southern Great Plains. 52nd Annual Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa 2017.
Zhou Y, Boutton TW, Wu XB. 2017. Vegetation and soil organic carbon dynamics in a subtropical savanna: Evidence from landscape-scale spatial patterns of δ13C along a soil profile. Abstracts, 18th Ecological Integration Symposium 2017: T27.
Tolleson DR, Boutton TW, Walker J, Mushinski R, Zhou Y, Casola C. 2017. Near infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of rangeland soil characteristics. Abstracts, Society for Range Management Annual Meeting 2017: 56.
Boutton TW, Mushinski RM, Gentry TJ. 2016. Pine forest harvest leads to decade-scale alterations in soil fungal communities. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2016: B13D-0647.
Mushinski RM, Boutton TW, Gentry TJ. 2016. Ammonia oxidizing archaea are the predominant nitrifiers in disturbed and undisturbed southern pine forests. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2016: B12B-03.
Zhou Y, Boutton TW, Wu XB. 2016. Three-dimensional spatial patterns of soil carbon storage are altered by woody encroachment into grasslands. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2016: B21I-0530.
Mubvumba P, DeLaune PB, Hons FM, Gentry TJ, Boutton TW, Coufal C, Dyer P. 2016. Microbial diversity and nutrient cycling in wheat systems with and without cover crops. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting 2016: 101092.
Mubvumba P, DeLaune PB, Hons, FM, Gentry TJ, Boutton TW, Coufal C, Dyer P. 2016. Runoff characteristics as impacted by cover crops in continuous wheat systems. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting 2016: 101049.
Mushinski RM, Gentry TJ, Boutton TW. 2016. Forest harvest leads to decade-scale alterations in pine forest soil fungal dynamics. Abstracts, Houston Regional Ecology and Evolution Symposium 2016.
Zhou Y, Boutton TW, Wu XB. 2016. Landscape-scale spatial patterns of root distribution along the soil profile: Linking aboveground plant communities to belowground biogeochemical cycling. Kirkham Conference – The Root Zone: Soil Physics and Beyond 2016: Abstracts, pp. 34-35.
Mushinski RM, Gentry TJ, Boutton TW. 2016. Decade-scale influences of organic matter removal on pine forest soil fungal dynamics. Abstracts, 17th Annual Ecological Integration Symposium 2016: T47.
Zhou Y, Boutton TW, Wu XB. 2016. Spatial heterogeneity of fine root biomass in a subtropical savanna: Responses to woody plant invasion. Abstracts, 17th Annual Ecological Integration Symposium 2016: T27.
Mushinski RM, Boutton TW, Scott DA. 2016. Decadal-scale changes in forest soil carbon and nitrogen storage are influenced by organic matter removal associated with timber harvest in the western Gulf Coastal Plain. Abstracts, 53rd Annual Soil Survey & Land Resource Workshop 2016: 9-10.
Zhou Y, Boutton TW, Wu XB. 2016. Subsurface soil horizons drive landscape patterns of woody patches in a subtropical savanna. Abstracts, Society for Range Management Annual Meeting 2016: 42.
Mushinski RM, Boutton TW, Gentry TJ. 2015. Bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidizers are reduced by increasing timber harvest intensity in surface and subsurface soils of the western Gulf Coastal Plain. Abstracts, 7th Annual Argonne Soil Metagenomics Meeting.
Boutton TW, Foote JA, Mushinski RM, Scott DA. 2015. Soil C and N storage and microbial biomass responses to forest management in southern pine forests. Abstracts, Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting 2015: 105-3.
Mushinski RM, Boutton TW, Gentry TJ. 2015. Nitrifying community and N-cycle activity are reduced by increasing forest harvest intensity in surface and subsurface soils in the western Gulf Coastal Plain. Abstracts, Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting 2015: 310-3.
Zhou Y, Boutton TW, Wu XB, Wright C, Dion A. 2015. Three-dimensional spatial patterns of fine roots at the landscape-scale in a subtropical savanna. Abstracts, Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting 2015: 39-23.
Soper FM, Groffman PM, Boutton TW, Sparks JP. 2015. Abiotic drivers, not woody legume encroachment, predict nitrogen trace gas flux from a semi-arid subtropical savanna. Abstracts, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2015: COS 78-4.
Kulawardhana, R. W., Feagin, R. A., Popescu, S. C., Boutton, T. W. & Tchounwou, P. B. 2015. The role of elevation, relative sea level history, and land cover conversions in determining carbon distributions in Spartina alterniflora dominated salt marshes in Galveston, Texas. Abstracts, 3rd International Conference on Oceanography.
Pyle LA, Hockaday WC, Boutton TW, Zygourakis K, Kinney TJ, Masiello CA. 2014. Chemical and isotopic thresholds in charring: Implications for the interpretation of charcoal mass and isotopic data. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2014: B41A-0008.
Ahmed I, Karim A, Boutton TW, Strom KB. 2014. Prediction of uncertainty in a watershed scale sediment provenance model using tracers. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2014: H23L-1048.
Boutton, TW. 2014. Grassland to woodland transitions in subtropical North America: Implications for biogeochemical cycles. Departments of Marine Biology, Marine Science, and Oceanography, Texas A&M University at Galveston. February 2014.
Kulawardhana RW, Feagin RA, Popescu SC, Boutton TW. 2014. Salt marsh carbon distributions as affected by relative sea level history and land cover conversions: Case study using remote sensing based estimates in Spartina alterniflora dominated salt marshes in Galveston, Texas. Abstracts, 11th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research 2014: O-30.
Gann KR, Hewitt DG, Fulbright TE, Alfonso Ortega-S J, DeYoung RW, Boutton TW, Alfonso Ortega-S Jr., Campbell TA. 2014. Age structure and productivity of unmanaged white-tailed deer populations in South Texas. Abstracts, Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting 2014: 24.
Hines SL, Fulbright TE, Ortega-Sanchez A, Hewitt DG, Boutton TW, Webb SL. 2014. Stable isotopes in conservation forensics: What we know and where we need to go. Abstracts, Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting 2014: 74-75.
Boutton TW, Foote JA, Scott DA. 2013. Changes in soil nitrogen storage and dynamics in response to forest management in southeastern pine forest. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2013: B21E-04.
Foote JA, Boutton TW, Scott DA. 2013. Microbial responses to forest management in the western Gulf Coastal Plain, USA. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2013: B51D-0298.
Wellman RL, Boutton TW, Tjoelker MG, Volder A, Briske DD. 2013. Nitrogen transformations in response to temperature and rainfall manipulation in oak savanna: A global change experiment. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2013: B43E-0543.
Ahmed I, Karim A, Boutton TW, Strom KB. 2013. Watershed-scale stable isotope distribution and implications on soil organic carbon loss monitoring under hydrologic uncertainty. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2012: H51C-1198.
Karim A, Ahmed I, Boutton TW, Strom KB, Fox J. 2013. Decision support system to guide land use fingerprinting using stable isotopes under hydrologic uncertainty. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2012: H21B-1025.
Soper FM, Boutton TW, Sparks JP. 2013. Seasonal variation in nitrogen fixation in natural ecosystems – a new approach to δ15N applications in a leguminous tree. Abstracts, Ecological Society of America Meeting 2013: COS 96-8.
Karim A, Ahmed I, Boutton TW, Strom KB. 2013. Bayesian simulation of soil organic carbon source monitoring: A case study in watershed hydrology and erosion. Abstracts, International Conference on Soil Carbon Sequestration for Climate, Food Security, and Ecosystem Services, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 130.
Ahmed I, Karim A, Boutton TW, Strom KB. 2013. Spatial distribution of soil organic carbon in urbanized Texas Gulf Coast: An outlook on the future of carbon management. Abstracts, International Conference on Soil Carbon Sequestration for Climate, Food Security, and Ecosystem Services, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 54.
Jastrow JD, O’Brien S, Moran K, Boutton TW. 2013. Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in deciduous forest exposed to twelve years of atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Abstracts, 4th North American Carbon Program Meeting.
Ahmed I, Boutton TW, Strom KB, Karim A, Irvin-Smith N. 2013. Soil carbon distribution and loss monitoring in the urbanized Buffalo Bayou watershed, Houston, Texas. Abstracts, 4th North American Carbon Program Meeting 2013: Theme 5: 149.
Gann KR, Hewitt DG, Fulbright TE, Ortega-Santos A, Boutton TW, Ortega-Sanchez A. 2013. Foraging ecology and population parameters of unmanaged white-tailed deer in southern Texas. Abstracts, Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society 2013.
Hines SL, Fulbright TE, Ortega-Santos A, Hewitt DG, Boutton TW, Ortega-Sanchez A. 2013. Investigating cattle grazing impacts on preferred deer forbs and ungulate grazing niches utilizing stable isotopes. Abstracts, Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society 2013.
Creamer, C., Filley, T., Boutton, T., McDonald, L., Krull, E., Farrell, M. 2012. Use of compound specific stable isotope techniques to study soil organic matter turnover. Australian Society of Soil Science Conference.
Boutton TW, Kantola IB, Filley TR. 2012. Changes in soil phosphorus fractions following woody plant invasion of grassland. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2012: B33B-0524.
Jastrow JD, O’Brien SL, Moran KK, Boutton TW. 2012. Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in deciduous forest exposed to twelve years of atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2012: B11F-05.
Filley TR, Creamer CA, Boutton TW. 2012. Changes in microbial community structure and carbon utilization patterns in response to woody encroachment into grasslands. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2012: B33B-0526.
Kantola IB, Gentry T, Filley TR, Boutton TW. 2012. Biodiversity of soil microbial communties following woody plant invasion of grassland: An assessment using molecular methods. Abstracts, Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2012: B33B-0525.
Soper FM, Sparks JP, Boutton TW. 2012. Temporal variation in nitrogen fixation during encroachment of Prosopis glandulosa into grasslands of the Rio Grande Plains. Abstracts, Ecological Society of America Meeting 2012: PS 49-101.
Boutton TW. 2012. Grassland/woodland transitions in subtropical North America: Implications for biogeochemical cycles. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. April 2012.