Financial Wellness

Research studies indicate that people of all ages, incomes, and education levels lack the basic financial knowledge and skills to ensure long-term stability for themselves and their families.  Taking control of one’s finances often is a crucial step in helping people move towards a more stable future.  All individuals, whether living in rural or urban communities, are confronted with multifaceted issues that can and will affect their financial stability.  Handling money is tough, especially when there are few assets to go around.  Empowering individuals by giving them the information they need to build financial capability is our goal.

Here are some of the programs offered in Bell County:

Healthy Cents-

Combines nutrition education and food resource management principles to encourage limited resource families to make healthy food choices on a limited budget.  Developed by University of Maryland Extension Food Supplement Nutrition Education (FSNE).

Your Money Your Goals-

Your Money, Your Goals is a set of financial empowerment materials for organizations that help people meet their financial goals by increasing their knowledge, skills, and resources.

Welcome to the Real World

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