BCJLS Concession Stand Schedule

As the holidays approach us, I am trying to plan ahead. I am attaching the Bandera County Junior Livestock Show concession stand schedule. It would be good for ya’ll to take a look at it. This year we are asking the clubs to take two(2) shifts. There are a total of 14 shifts . If each club takes two it will take care of the concession at the show. Reminder your club will get a 100.00 incentive for working. This was approved by our Council at our October meeting. We will plan to have a informational meeting before hand to discuss this schedule in length. If you have questions, please write them down and we will be happy to answer them at the meeting. I will let you know ahead of time when that will be. Hope your holidays are filled with love and family and good food.


Concession Stand Sign up2015 sheet

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