Range Management Field Day

The Extension Ag/NR Committee has a field day planned for Friday, September 20th at Blaschke Ranch near Tarpley.  The ranch is located off FM 470 northeast of Tarpley.  From Bandera, travel towards Tarpley approximately 10 miles, ranch will be on the right.  The program will begin at 8:00 a.m. and conclude by 11:00 a.m.

Attendees will have the opportunity view foliar and individual plant applied herbicide treatments on huisache.  IPT and broadcast spray equipment will also be highlighted and discussed.  Lastly, there will be a demonstration on sprayer calibration as well as a discussion on range reseeding.  Program speakers include Dr. Bob Lyons, Extension Range Specialist and Larry Stark, District Conservationist with the Bandera NRCS Office.

The program will be worth 3 hours of CEU credit (1 L&R, 1 IPM, 1 Gen) for individuals with a Pesticide Applicator’s License.  The cost is $10 person and includes refreshments.  Feel free to bring your lawn chair.  Deadline to sign up is Monday, September 9th.

See attached flyer.

Range Management Field Day 2013

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