State Games registration deadline


This information is on behalf of Lawrence Perez,

Good Afternoon,

I know that we are not even finished with Roundup yet, but I need to remind everyone that the deadline for registration for the 2018 Texas 4-H Shooting Sports State Games is one week away.  Please let all your shooting sports parents, coaches, and shooters that they have until June 20 to register without a late fee.  Its getting very close, and I do not want anyone that is interested to miss out!

Thank you for your time.


I am sorry I am just getting this out to you.  Registration for the 2018 Texas 4-H Shooting Sports State Games is now open on 4-H Connect.  For questions you can go to the Shooting Sports Webpage:

Click on “Contests” then scroll down to the “State Games” paragraph.

Step ONE is that the participant register on 4-H Connect.

Step TWO is for that participant to go to

Step Two is for the participant to go to  and schedule their times.

All instructions are available on the shooting sports webpage.


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