Author Archives: l-francis


by Thomas Isakeit, Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist, College Station Goss’s wilt is a bacterial disease of corn, caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis. In recent years, its range has expanded beyond the Midwestern states, where it had been confined for decades.  Outbreaks in Texas were confirmed in 2009, 2014 and 2016.  Most of the affected fields were in the High Plains, but there have been occurrences in the Blacklands and Upper Coast growing areas (Figs. 1 &2).  At this point, I don’t know whether these occurrences represent… Read More →

Within-Row Plant Spacing—Ensuring Planter Accuracy of Seed Drop

by Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, Lubbock, (806) 723-8432, In recent newsletters for Texas Grain Sorghum Association I first discussed row spacing for grain sorghum then especially in-row spacing of seed drop and the accuracy (or lack thereof) of uniform seed spacing within the row (see  Here, I expand the with-in row discussion to all Texas row crops. On a smaller scale of about two to six inches within any row spacing, it may seem the uniformity of seed spacing is not that important for row crops.  Yes,… Read More →


by Thomas Isakeit, Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist, College Station, TX. Until recently, Topguard Terra (flutriafol), which is used for control of Phymatotrichopsis root rot of cotton (“cotton root rot”), was labeled only for application at the time of planting. There are two at-planting methods: a T-band application or a modified in-furrow application. Now, growers have additional options that allow application before or after planting. The Texas Department of Agriculture has approved a FIFRA a 2ee supplemental label for additional methods of application. The fungicide can be applied… Read More →

Best Management Practices for Auxin-Tolerant Cotton Technologies (Current 2/22/17)

by Josh McGinty – Extension Agronomist – Corpus Christi, TX:  Phone: 361-265-9203, Email: Gaylon Morgan – State Cotton Specialist – College Station, TX Peter Dotray – Extension Weed Specialist – Lubbock, TX In recent news, new auxin herbicides have received Section 3 approval for use in XtendFlex (dicamba-tolerant) and Enlist (2,4-D tolerant) cotton. Currently, three dicamba herbicides (XtendiMax™ with VaporGrip™ Technology, FeXapan™, and Engenia™) and one 2,4-D containing herbicide (Enlist Duo™ with Colex-D™ Technology) have received federal approval. At the time of this writing, XtendiMax with VaporGrip… Read More →

Herbicide Update in Wheat

by Dr. Clark Neely, Small Grains Extension Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Despite the fact that we are still in mid-winter, late January in southern Texas through early March in the Panhandle is the ideal time for not only topdressing wheat, but also taking care of any persistent weed problems in your wheat fields before the spring green-up. This article will cover some of the new herbicides hitting the market that are labelled for wheat and where they might be most useful. While we did not see… Read More →

Transgenic Insect Traits and Variety Selection in Cotton

by Suhas Vyavhare, Extension Cotton Entomologist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Variety selection is the most important decision made during the year. Selecting Bt vs non-Bt or the kind of insect trait package is an important consideration in selecting cotton varieties. Bt cotton is genetically altered to produce certain proteins which are toxic to specific groups of insects. For example, currently available Bt traits in cotton specifically target worm pests such as cotton bollworm, tobacco budworm, and beet armyworm. On the other hand, conventional, or non-Bt cotton does… Read More →

Rust Update in Texas Wheat

by Dr. Clark Neely, Statewide Small Grains and Oilseed Extension Specialist Weather conditions have been drier this fall and winter than the previous two years, which is having a positive impact on wheat rust presence across the state. This time last year, producers were dealing with widespread reports of stripe rust in their wheat fields due to wet conditions (Fig. 1). This year, stripe rust has been reported in a few locations throughout Central and South Texas, however, pressure appears lighter overall and observed mainly in highly susceptible… Read More →

What to do with Soil Profile N—Should I Fully Credit it to Crop Requirement?

by Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, Lubbock, (806) 723-8432, Jake Mowrer, Extension Soil Fertility & Water Specialist, College Station, (979) 845-5366, Sub-soil Nitrate in Texas Soils In the past 20 years Texas A&M AgriLife staff across Texas have become increasingly aware of the presence and amount of sub-soil nitrate nitrogen (N) in Texas soils. Below the standard recommended soil sampling depth of 0-6”, deeper soil sampling, usually 24” and sometimes 36” with subsequent analysis for nitrate-N only—which is the mobile form—has indicated in many cases substantial nitrate-N…. Read More →

2016 On-Farm Cotton Variety Results for South and East Texas

by Gaylon Morgan, Josh McGinty, Dale Mott, and CEAs and IPM Agents What a year 2016 was for cotton production in South and East Texas. We had many regions with superb yield and quality, while other regions that suffered tremendously from excessive late-season rainfall. These differences are reflected in the 2016 RACE trail results. Hopefully, the current prices will hold or improve as we move into the 2017 season, and the 2016 RACE trial results will provide some guidance on variety selection. Variety selection is the most important… Read More →

Crop Tolerances to Salinity in Irrigation Waters and Soils

by Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, Lubbock, (806) 723-8432, The further west across Texas the more likely crops may encounter salty conditions, whether in irrigation water or in soil. In many cases water or soil conditions as determined by an appropriate test can ascertain the potential success of both traditional, alternative, or specialty crops. The numbers often suggest, when salinity in its different forms, is sufficient to conclude a producer should not plant a certain crop. My preferred reference document for crop salt tolerances is “Irrigation Water Quality… Read More →