2018 Canola Field Days

by Dr. Clark Neely, Small Grains and Oilseeds Extension Specialist

Figure 1. Canola variety trial near Perry, TX on April 13, 2018

Canola is a relatively new alternative cool-season crop option for growers across Texas. With wheat prices low and canola prices hovering around $7.75/bu, some growers may find it to be a more economical option. Agronomic and variety trials have been conducted by numerous Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension scientists over the past decade across the state. Currently, canola trials are conducted at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Centers in Bushland, College Station, Corpus Christi, and Vernon in addition to some on-farm trials across the Southern High Plains and Blacklands. Two Texas field days will be held this spring in April that will highlight the pros and cons of growing canola and discuss the basic agronomics needed to produce a viable crop. Field days will be held April 19 (10:00am) near Perry, TX (31.421854, -96.905233) and on April 25 (8:00 am) at Thrall, TX (30.594994, -97.298399). Attendees will have the opportunity to view both research plots and large scale canola production in adjacent producer fields. Dr. Clark Neely will lead discussion at both locations on canola agronomics and Dr. Mark Welch will provide an in-depth discussion on canola economics at the Thrall field day. Contact information is listed for all canola and small grains field days at http://varietytesting.tamu.edu/wheat.

Clark Neely
State Small Grains Agronomist
College Station, TX


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