Texas A&M AgriLife Shearing & Classing School
We are very excited to be hosting the second annual shearing and classing school in San Angelo on January 3rd-5th, 2017. The Texas sheep and goat shearing industry has not kept up with innovation and technology that others in the national and international community have used to improve wool and mohair harvest efficiency. To address this issue, we are hosting two schools: sheep/goat shearing and wool classing. The two schools run contiguously and students cannot take both.
The shearing school will teach the basics of shearing technique, animal handling, and tools of the trade. The goals is to develop industry professionals that utilize the most efficient technique, equipment, and tools to harvest wool and mohair. The shearing technique taught will be the international shearing pattern that does not require tying or restraining the animals during the shearing process. We advise against individuals that wish to take the school to learn how to shear their own flock. Learning to shear take years of hard work and practice. Small flock owners should consider hiring a professional or shear their animals on a blocking stand.
The wool classing school will teach participant to sort wool based on fiber quality. This technique will sort like fibers into groups so that the wool will receive the most value in the commercial marketplace.
These two schools will complement each other. And most importantly, provide learning and networking opportunities for ranchers and shearing professionals to improve the value and sustainability of the Texas wool and mohair clip.
For questions or comments, please send us an email (reid.redden@ag.tamu.edu) or give us a call (325-657-7324)
2015 Shearing and Classing School