Week 4: Space RockStars

Back to Mission Control

Collect Space RockStars

Observation 1 Supplies Needed:

  • Camera
  • Outdoors (with rocks)

Observation 2 Supplies Needed:

  • Phone
  • Google Sky App OR SkyView Lite

  • Hypothesis: How many different rocks/constellations do you think will you see?    

  • Do The Experiment: Create a virtual rock collection, using a camera, go rock hunting and take a picture of all the different rocks you find. AND/OR Use either the Google Sky App or SkyView Lite to go stargazing from indoors. 

  • Reflect How We Can Take It Further: Can you figure out what type of rocks they are? Next time you are able to go stargazing, can you point out the different constellation without using the app. 

  • Apply What We Learned: Why do you think it important to observe and collect data when conducting science experiments?


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