Entomology Newsletters


2016 September 2016 Newsletter
Horn fly and Stable fly control, Zika Virus, Pesticides, Feeding drought-stressed cops to cattle, Minimize heat stress, Pink Eye in cattle, TAHC rules, 2017 Antibiotics rules, Anaplasmosis, Bayer bys Monsanto, Tackling the Cattle Fever Tick, New virus
2015  December_2015_Newsletter
 Kissing bugs, Lone Star ticks, Pesticides, Cattle Care, Human and Animal Disease & Health, Merck apps, Who speaks for the farmer, Eat more animal protein, Butter, Journal Reviews
Reducing Horn Fly Population, AgriLabs VetGun, Fly Control, Pesticides, Cattle Care, TB Test for Bovine, Fever Tick, Staph Aureus, Vesicular Stomatitis, Bird Flu, Salmonella in Texas Feedlots, Equine Vaccines, Chronic Wasting Disease, Food Babe, GMO Labeling, Wear Sunscreen, Congo Insect Farming, Journal Reviews
 Fly Season, Cattle Fever Ticks, Voluntary Cancellation of Methomyl uses/limiting, Pecticide market, Vaccination and parasite control, Parasite treament, Salmonella Vaccine for Livestock, Acquisition of Novartis, TAHC Rules, TAHC Disease Issue Updates, Cattle TB in Panhandle Dairies, Prion Study, BSE in Canada, Cattle could hold the key to Ebola cures?,  Blue Bell Ice Cream, Farms can be held liable, Aging American Farmers, Why farm?, Heart Healthy ground beef, Velveeta, Farmers disappoint by restrictions, Hormones in Beef: Myth vs Fact
2014 December_2014_Newsletter
 Stored Grain Insect, Tiny insect delays Australia-China cattle trade, Eprinex, Longrange, Cattle care for winter weather, Zoetis response, APHIS rule proposal, TAHC Rule, Proper worm control, Vaccine combats Bluetongue virus, Antibiotic adjustments, USDA scientist awarded, Keep germs out, Once you go veggie, Cow age, Urban farming, Altered milk, Journal Reviews
Kissing Bugs, Stable Flies, Parasites affect performance, Manure management, Antiparasitic Resistance Webinar, Vesicular Stomatitis Outbreak, Impact of BVD, BRD Control Measures, FDA Finds, Anthrax, New counto to GMO, Natural explained, Panthers prey on calves, Organic vs Conventional Dairies, Insects for dinner, Journal Reviews
Horn fly Control, Fly Control for Dairy Calves, Death in OK from Tick-borne Heartland Virus, Broadleaf Pollinators, Natunex from Novartis, Control Internal Parasites, Work with your Veterinarian on BRD, TAHC Announcements, Pay Attention to Lameness, Mapping Salmonella, BSE in Brazil Confirmed, EHV-1 Outbreak, Biosecurity Measures from Swine, Meat Each Day Keeps Doc Away, Alfalfa beneficial to Livestock, Antibiotic-Resistance Genes in Cattle Manure, CDC Issues Food-Safety Report, The cost of GMO Labeling, HSUS to pay $15.75 Million in Lawsuit, Prent the Spread  of Invasive Species, and Journal Reviews.
Flies for Spring, USDA Annual Report, Bayer Annihilator Polyzone, FDA phase out of antibiotics, Preventative measures for trich, Bison with brucellosis, Breath of Fresh air, TAHC Announcements, Mycoplasma infection in dairy cattle, Prion research, Red Meat Allergy by ticks, Mobile Vets, Horse Slaughter ban removed, Wolf attacks on cattle herd, $65 burger, Bigger predators, bigger dogs, Truth about nutrition myths, JournalReviews
2013 November_2013_Newsletter
This newsletter contains information on Resistance in Cattle Ticks Uncovered, Imported Fire Ant Death, Rift Valley Fever vaccine, Injection Site Basics,  Common-sense Antibiotic Use, Bovine Reproductive and Respiratory Vaccine, Protect Cattle Against Bacterial Diseases, Global Cost of FMD, TAHC Adopts Rules for Animal Disease Traceability and Brucellosis, USDA Works to Protect Livestock from Foreign Animal Disease, Anthrax Case in Texas, Anaplasmosis Prevention, Livestock Economist Confident for 2014 Cattle, FDA Proposes New Rules for Animal Food and Feed, Emergency Management Planning for Livestock Operations, Smartphones Play Crucial Role in Future Rural America, Journal Reviews
This newsletter contains information on Pasture Flies, Grasshoppers, Dung Beetles, Deworming & Supplements, Vaccine for FMD, Heat Stress, Beef Production Plummets, Chemical Mixing & Loading, Lyme Disease, Salmonella, New Cattle Virus, E.Coli Machine, Meaning of Natural, Food Borne Diseases, No Drones Allowed, Skipping Breakfast is Bad, July One of the Wettest in the US, Chipotle to Change Beef Standards, Journal Reviews
This newsletter contains information on Stable Fly (Heel Fly) Control, House Fly vs. Virus,  Stink bugs and milk, 17-year cicadas, Time to Deworm, Proper Injection Site, Heat Stress in Cattle, Insect/Weed Control, Equine Piroplasmosis, Parasites in Horses, Mastitis, Grocery Misconceptions, Bright Future for Livestock, Overstocked Cows, Insects for Dinner, Cool April Temperatures, Anthrax Vaccine, Journal Reviews.
February 2013 Newsletter
This newsletter contains information on Stable flies, Fever Tick, Mexican Honey Wasps, Parasite Control, Crypto Control, Crypto on dairies, E. Coli, Radioactive cattle, Where have all the beef cows gone?, Consumer’s pain worsens, Should we feed the bears?, Get calcium from food rather than supplements, Beef becoming a “luxury”, and Journal Reviews
2012 August 2012 Newsletter
This newsletter contains information on Horn Flies, New Tick-borne virus, Grasshoppers, Cattle heat stress, Cereal grains and drought, Transporting calves, Cleaning water tanks, West Nile Virus-horses, Cyanobacteria, Anthrax, Chronic Wasting Disease, Petting zoo zoonoses, Drought impact, Drought damaged corn, Baling soybeans, Burger Love, Smoothies are cool in school, Meat eaters and vegetarians, Cheese lowers diabetes risk, California dairymen not so Golden and Blister beetles.
 May 2012 Newsletter
This issue contains information on Cow-Calf Fly control, Ticks, Horn flies, Pinkeye, Orange oil, Pyrethroid insecticides, Toxoplasmosis, Disease outbreak, Anaplasmosis, Pigeon Fever, Vesicular Stomatitis, Diseased horses, Internal parasites, Restocking after drought, La Nina, USDA fact sheets, Preparing cattle for June, Stink bug crisis
February 2012 Newsletter
This issue contains information on Flies breeding in hay, Controlling flies in calf houses, Control of disease-carrying insects, Cattle fever ticks intercepted in Texas, Don’t waste vaccine dollars, FDA restrictions on cephalosporins, Anaphylactic reactions, Drug resistance, Trichomoniasis in Arkansas, People sick from drinking raw milk, Q Fever, Beyonce’s horse fly, Shorting bedding can cost, Group housing of calves, US cattle herd shrinking, Men at the market, Night milk, Journal articles
2011 November_2011_Newsletter
This issue contains information on Bovicola Bovis, Cattle bitting louse, Parasite control, Bugs for dinner, Feeding poor hay, Sand as bedding, Large round bale storage, Using antibiotics, A new way to vaccinate cattle, Salmonella, Rabies compendium, Fences lost to wildfires, Income tax relief for sold livestock, Spreading manure, Feeding whole cotton plants, Fast-food dining, Journal reviews

This issue contains information on insect control, reducing flies, blister beetle toxicity, bedding choices impact fly control, Mastitis-causing organisms matter, water concerns/drought assistance, working with your veterinarian, Dicofol canceled, Blackleg concern, Q Fever, Cattle Tick Quarantine, medicated mineral intake, redefining sustainability, U.S. burger market sizzling, Illinois farms open to the doors to Chicago moms, Merck announces new name and Journal Reviews.

May 2011 Newsletter
This issue contains information on Stable flies, Fly Control, Tick Quarantine Zones, De-worming nursing calves, Deworming strategies, Follow labels, Spring Clean – Dairy style, Livestock Veterinary Entomology is now on Facebook, Fenoxycard, Cattle health during drought, Salmonella in fresh pens, Trichomoniasis, Fly eating clock, Mike Rowe Speaks to Congress, Profit tips for beef, Prescribed burns, Improve tractor fuel efficiency, Journal Reviews
February 2011 Newsletter
This issue contains information on Stable flies and hay bale feeding, Burn control for grasshoppers, Catnip repels flies, The brown stomach worm, Parasite control, Cow-calf: improper dosing, Equine Piroplasmosis, IVOMEC spring challenge, Total release foggers, Foot and mouth disease outbreak, Vaccine for anaplasmosis, Brucellosis in Texas, HSUS is on the naughty list, Beef producers spring checklist, Winter storms, and Journal Reviews.
2010 November 2010 Newsletter
This issue contains information on Winter Pests, House Flies, Bacteria, Mosquito, Trichomoniasis, Fenoxycarb canceled, Resmethrin canceled, Pesticide tolerance, Pesticide Stewardship, Bubonic plague (Global Warming), Thank A Farmer, Tick Control, Manure Digesters, and Journal Reviews.

This issue contains information on Grasshoppers, Malaria, Mosquito, Lyme disease, Black-legged tick, Anthrax, Endosulfan, Topia, Organic pesticides, Lice, and Journal Reviews
May 2010 Newsletter
This issue contains information on Kissing bugs, Triatominae, Mosquitoes, House flies, Stable flies, Horn flies, Face flies, Biological fly control, Calf biosecurity, Bug bomb, Roundworms, Pet spot-on products, Parasites rob heifers, and Journal Reviews
February 2010 Newsletter
This issue contains information on Horn Flies, Horse Flies, TAHC-New Year Regulations, Fenceless Fencing, Fipronil, Port and H1N1 virus, Brucellosis, Cattle on Feed, www.Humanewatch.org, E coli 0157:H7, Journal Reviews, Tofu Harmful To Environment
2009 November 2009 Newsletter
This issue contains information on Texas Leaf Cutter Ants, Cattle Fever Tick, Tropical Bont Tick, Grasshoppers Transmit Vesicular Stomatitis Virus, Fall Parasite Control, Deworming, Ear Tag Removal, Pesticide Web Page by EPA, Carbaryl, New Pesticide Labeling, Tick Transmitted Piroplasmosis, Cattle Anthrax in North Dakota, Predicting Changes for Parasite and Vector-Induced Animal Diseases, Brown Dog Tick, Journal Reviews
August 2009 Newsletter
This issue contains information on Blister Beetles, Cattle Fever Tick, Fly at the White House, EcoFounts Waterers, Walk Through Horn Fly Traps, “Push-Pull Strategy” for Fly Control, Esteem Ant Bait Labeled for Hopper Blend and Ship Swath, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Plague, Equine Piroplasmosis, Dead Cattle Bring Flies and Foul Odors, Tick Education, Vaccination and Parasite Control, Drought Increases Hay Purchases, Pampered Livestock, Journal Reviews
May 2009 Newsletter
This issue contains information on Horn Fly Resistance Management, Maggot Therapy, TSCRA: Cattle Theft Bill Passes, Disinfectants for Influenza A Viruses, Pesticide Contaminated Fruits and Vegetables, Carbaryl, Drug-Resistant Bacteria, Wild Hogs-No Indication of Flu Danger, Livestock and Antibiotic Resistance, Texas Lice Squad, Journal Reviews
February 2009 Newsletter
This issue contains information on Internal Parasites, Beef Liver Fluke, Preparing for Spring, www.flycontrolcenter.com, Cattle Fever Tick, Honeybees, Fire Ants Spread to West Texas, Carbofuran, Home Use Pesticide Database, Amphibian-Malathion Relationship, 21st Century Plaque, Broiler Chicken Transportation, Lizards Evolve to Escape Fire Ants, Journal Reviews
2008 November 2008 Newsletter
This issue contains information on Cattle Fever Tick, Crazy Ants, Africanized Honey Bees, Red Imported Fire Ants, Beneficial Insects, Frost Effects on Forage, Pesticide-Testing Program Canceled, Malathion, Carbaryl, West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, California Proposition 2, Journal Reviews

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