
4-H Possibilities Workshop

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office 501 Palmer Ave, Liberty, TX, United States

Is your child interested in joining 4-H? Do you know someone who has questions about how to get started? Are you wondering what 4-H has to offer? Do I have to show an animal to be in 4-H? If you have these questions or others, please come join us, Monday May 16, 2016 at the Liberty County Extension Office. For additional details please see flyer. 4-H Possibilities Workshop

Liberty County 4-H Council Meeting

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office 501 Palmer Ave, Liberty, TX, United States

VLAT Meeting May 23, 2016 6:30 p.m. Liberty County Extension Office 4-H Council meetings are open to all Liberty County 4-H members. Only voting delegates will be allowed to vote on Council business. Officers will be elected at this meeting. Pick up an officer application from the office or call to have one sent to you. Applications are due by May 18th.

2021 Liberty County 4-H Virtual Fashion and Talent Show

Virtual Online Event

New virtual opportunity for our 4-H youth to share their talent!  This county level event will possibly qualify 4-H members for advancing to District 9 BIG TIME in D9 Round-UP where youth from all over the district come together to compete.  Clover Division entries will not advance to district level. Cost: $4 per entry   Division Rules and Guidelines All entries must follow the District 9 4-H rules and guidelines as much as possible.  A complete list of Contests offered at the BIG Time in D9 Event, you... Read More →