Jenna M. Likins, L.M., U.P. Kreuter, J.E. Sawyer. 2024. Ambiguity about grazing intensity: A novel index for quantifying this metric to address conflicting outcomes of grazing systems comparisons. 58th Congress of Grassland Society of Southern Africa, 22-26 July, Gariep, S. Africa.
Kreuter, U.P. 2023. Woody plants and wildfire in the Southern Great Plains: Human factors affecting the use of prescribed fire. 58th Congress of Grassland Society of Southern Africa, 24-28 July, Buffelspoort, S. Africa.
Kreuter, U.P., M.L. Treadwell, C.L. Wonkka, C.L., D. Toledo, D. Twidwell. 2023. Fighting wildfire with prescribed fire in the Southern Great Plains, USA: Barriers and opportunities for broader application. Savanna Science Network Meeting, 5-10 March, Skukuza, S. Africa.
Joshi Gyawali, A., A.P. Smith, U.P. Kreuter, A. Noormets, C. Simpsons. 2022. Location and forms of C in two different grazing systems. 6-9 November, ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
Kreuter U.P. 2022. Fighting Wildfire with Prescribed Fire in the Southern Plains: Liability, Regulatory, and Social Factors. 28 October. Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Almendarez, A., G.L. Theodori, U.P. Kreuter. 2022. It’s the Heat Under Our Feet: Assessing Self-Reported Knowledge of Low-Temperature Geothermal Energy Development. Southern Rural Sociological Association Annual Meeting. February 13-14. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Etumnu C., T. Wang, U. Kreuter, C. G. Davis, S. Cheye. 2022. US Cattle Production and Climate Change. Submitted for presentation at the 2022 AAEA Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA, July 31 – August 2.
Kreuter, U.P., C.L. Wonkka. 2021. Fighting wildfire fire with prescribed fire: Identifying and overcoming social barriers. 56th Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa. 26-30 July, Oudtshoorn, South Africa
Douglas, K., G. Theodori, U.P. Kreuter, M. Higgins, D. Burnett. 2020. Knowledge of and Views on Geothermal and Other Energy Developments in Matagorda County, Texas. International Symposium for Society and Resource Management. 22-26 June. Cairns, Australia.
Tong Wang, H. Jin, Richard Teague, Urs Kreuter. 2019. Land Use Conversion Decisions: The Role of Intensive Grazing Management. 60th Mountain Plains Conference, October 18-19, Brookings, SD.
Tong Wang, H. Jin, Richard Teague, Urs Kreuter. 2019. Converting cropland to grass: the role of intensive grazing management. 2019 America’s Grasslands Conference, August 20-2, Bismarck, ND.
Tong Wang, H. Feng, H., D. A. Hennessy, D. A., Urs Kreuter, W. Richard Teague, Y. Che. “Challenges for Rotational Grazing Practice: Views from Non-adopters across U.S. Great Plains”. Selected presentation for the 2019 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA, July 21-23.
Hoonchong Yi, Urs P. Kreuter. 2019. Comparative Sensitivity Analysis of Ecosystem Service Values in the San Antonio River Basin, Texas, from 1984 to 2010. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, 3-7 April, Washington DC.
Urs P. Kreuter, Wayne Twine. 2019. A new orientation to buffer zones in integrated conservation and development areas: Management across boundaries in the K2C. Savanna Science Network Meeting, 4-7 March, Skukuza, South Africa.
Kelly Hoffman, Lars Coleman, Thomas W. McDaniel, Patrick Bixler, Morgan Russell, Urs P. Kreuter. 2018. Social obstacles to prescribed fire in the Southern Great Plains. Presented at the 2nd Great Plains Fire. October, Summit, Ardmore, Oklahoma.
Hoonchong Yi, Urs P. Kreuter, Burak Güneralp, Daniel Han. 2018. Urban greenness and socio-environmental conditions in Bexar County, Texas, USA. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, 9-14 April, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Kelly Hoffman, Lars Coleman, Thomas W. McDaniel, Patrick Bixler, Morgan Russell, Urs P. Kreuter. 2018, Affective reasoning & heuristics: potential impact on perceived risk of prescribed fire implementation in the Southern Great Plains. Ecological Integration Symposium, April, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Kelly Hoffman, Lars Coleman, Thomas W. McDaniel, Patrick Bixler, Morgan Russell, Urs P. Kreuter. 2018. Acceptable & perceived risk: Prescribed fire in the Southern Great Plains. Presented at the 71st Annual Society for Range Management Meeting, February, Reno, Nevada.
Hoonchong Yi, Urs P. Kreuter, Burak Güneralp. 2017. Applying geographically weighted regression (GWR) to examine spatial non-stationarity between urban greenness and socio-environmental conditions in Bexar County, Texas. 2nd Annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium. September, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Urs P. Kreuter, David Toledo, Carissa L. Wonkka, and Dirac Twidwell. 2016. Factors Affecting the Use of Intensive Prescribed Fire by Landowners in the Southern Great Plains. Proc. X International Rangeland Congress, 16-22 July 2016, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Pp. 628-630.
Carissa L. Wonkka, William E. Rogers, and Urs P. Kreuter. 2014. Legal barriers to effective ecosystem management: Exploring linkages between liability, regulations, and prescribed fire. 2014. Ecological Society of America 99th Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA. Contributed Talk.
Marian E. Higgins, Urs P. Kreuter, and David Burnett. 2013. Geothermal Energy in an Environmentally Sensitive Area. Environmentally Friendly Drilling, Coastal Impact Technology Program, November 12, Houston Advanced Research Center, The Woodlands, TX
Michele D. Clark, William E. Rogers, Carissa L. Wonkka, Deseri Nally, Richard W. Teague, Urs P. Kreuter, and James Muir. 2013. “The interactive effects of prescribed fire and grazing on Seriphium plumosum in a South African grassland.” March 22, Ecological Integration Symposium, College Station, TX.
Michele D. Clark, William E. Rogers, Carissa L. Wonkka, Deseri Nally, W. Richard Teague, Urs P. Kreuter, and James Muir. 2013. “The interactive effects of prescribed fire and ungulate grazing on bankrupt bush (Seriphium plumosum) in a South African highveld grassland.” 66th Meeting of the Society of the Society for Range Management, 2-8 February. 2013, Oklahoma City, OK.
David Toledo*, Michael. G. Sorice and Urs P. Kreuter 2012. Identifying socio-ecological factors affecting the use of prescribed fire in rangeland ecosystems. Texas Section of the Society for Ecological Restoration, 2-4 November 2012. Weslcao, Texas (Best research presentation award).
Wayne Becker*, Urs Kreuter, Sam Atkinson and Richard Teague. 2012. Contribution of grazing management to sustainable rangeland indicators for ranches in north central Texas. Texas Association of County Agriculture Agents, Lubbock, TX.
Urs P. Kreuter 2011. Framework for identifying impacts of unconventional energy on ecosystem services. IX International Rangeland Congress, 2-8 April 2011, Rosario, Argentina.
David Toledo and Urs P. Kreuter. 2011. Human dimensions of using extreme fire to restore rangeland ecosystems in Texas. IX International Rangeland Congress, 2-8 April 2011, Rosario, Argentina
David Toledo*, Urs P. Kreuter, Michael G. Sorice. 2010. To burn or not to burn: confronting issues of ecological degradation, ranch economics, cultural norms, and burning risk. 16th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, June 6-10, Corpus Christi, Texas
Laura Martin”, Urs P. Kreuter, Michael G. Sorice. 2010. Factors influencing residents’ knowledge about the urban wildlands and the potential for alternative dissemination strategies for informing residents. 16th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, June 6-10, Corpus Christi, Texas
Urs Kreuter, Richard Teague, Bill Rogers, Butch Taylor and Richard Conner. 2009. Using extreme fire to restore rangelands in the Southern Plains: Ecological, economic and social evaluation. 2009 SWRI World Conference on Ecological Restoration. 23-27 August 2009. Perth, Australia.
David Toledo*, Urs Kreuter and Richard Teague. 2009. Human and ecological dimensions of using extreme prescribed fire to restore rangeland ecosystems in Texas. 2009 SWRI World Conference on Ecological Restoration. 23-27 August 2009. Perth, Australia.
Dirac Twidwell*, William Rogers, Samuel Fuhlendorf, Charles Taylor Jr. and Urs Kreuter. 2009. Overcoming ecological and social resilience to restore fire dependent systems. 2009 SWRI World Conference on Ecological Restoration. 23-27 August 2009. Perth, Australia.
D. Twidwell*, W.E. Rogers, S.D. Fuhlendorf, C.A. Taylor, Jr., U.P. Kreuter. 2009. Ecological and social resilience in fire dependent systems: A preview. 10th Annual Ecological Integration Symposium, 6-7 March 2009, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. [2nd place in graduate poster competition.]
Urs P. Kreuter, William E. Fox, Dan W. McCollum, John E. Mitchell & Louis E. Swanson. 2009. ISEEC: A framework for considering rangeland sustainability. 62nd Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, February 8-12, 2009, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
David Toledo*, Urs P. Kreuter, William E. Grant and Dirac Twidwell. 2009. Ecological and social dimensions of using extreme prescribed fire to restore rangeland ecosystems in Texas. 62nd Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, February 8-12, 2009, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
D. Twidwell*, W.E. Rogers, S.D. Fuhlendorf, C.A. Taylor, Jr., U.P. Kreuter. 2009. Ecological and social resilience in fire dependent systems: a preview. 62nd Annual Meeting, Society of Range Management, February 8-12, 2009, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
P.H. Lai* and Urs Kreuter. 2008. Effects of placed identity on common-pool resource conservation on provate lands: A conceptual framework. 14th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, June 6-10, 2008, Burlington, Vermont.
Emily Dacy*, Urs Kreuter and Richard Teague. 2008. TexFIRE: A concept for evaluating land management strategies in Texas. 61st Annual Meeting, Society of Range Management: Building Bridges: Grasslands to Rangelands, January 26-31, 2008, Louisville, Kentucky.
D. Twidwell*, S. Fuhlendorf, D. Engle, C. Taylor, Jr., U. Kreuter. 2008. Evaluation of critical factors influencing growing season fire behavior in rangelands. 61st Annual Meeting, Society of Range Management: Building Bridges: Grasslands to Rangelands, Jan 26-31, 2008, Louisville, Kentucky.
Urs P. Kreuter, Edward M. Warner and Mike Peel. 2007. Community Based Natural Resource Management on Private Conservancies in the Great Limpopo Conservation Area. 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, June 17-21, 2007, Park City, UT.
P. H. Lai*, C. S. Shafer, G. Kyle, and U. P. Kreuter, U. 2007. Continue or discontinue place identity on a fragmenting landscape: Examining the effect of landscape change on place identity. 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, June 17-21, 2007, Park City, UT.
Urs Kreuter, Ryan Lammert, Matt Wagner and Craig Limesand. 2007. Wildlife Management Associations in Texas: Coordinating Landowner Decision Making. Abstracts of papers presented at 60th Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, 12-17 February, Reno, NV.
Urs Kreuter and Brad Woodard. 2006. Landowner perceptions regarding prescribed fire in Texas. Abstracts of papers presented at 59th Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, 12-17 February, Vancouver, Canada.
Craig Limesand and Urs Kreuter. 2006. Assessing the value of Texas wildlife management associations for coordinate resource management. Abstracts of papers presented at 59th Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, 12-17 February, Vancouver, Canada.
Malini Nair and Urs Kreuter. 2004. Landowner property rights orientations and willingness to implement socially preferred management. Abstracts of papers presented of 58th Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, 5-11 February, Ft. Worth, TX.
Urs P. Kreuter, Heidi E. Amestoy and J. Richard Conner. 2003. Factors affecting the adoption of individual plant treatments for brush control in Texas. Abstracts of VII International Rangeland Congress, 26 July – 1 August, Durban, S. Africa.
María Fernández-Giménez and Urs Kreuter. 2002. Co-moderators – Rangeland professionals and policy: Prospects for effective influence in the developed and developing world. Symposium sponsored by Int. Affairs Comm., 55th Annual Meeting, Soc. for Range Management, 13-19 February, Kansas City, Missouri.
Urs Kreuter. 2001. Introduction and leader of panel discussion – Rangeland professionals and society: Future directions. Symposium sponsored by International Affairs Committee, 54th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 17-23 February, Kona, Hawaii.
Urs Kreuter, Steven Archer, and Charles Scifres, 1999. Bio-economic basis for woody plant management. Poster, VI International Rangeland Congress, 19-23 July, Townsville, Australia.
Darrell Ueckert, Allen McGinty, Urs Kreuter, 1999. Brush Busters: Marketing Prosopis management technology. Poster, VI International Rangeland Congress, 19-23 July, Townsville, Australia.
Urs P. Kreuter, R.C. Rowan, Richard Conner, Jerry Stuth and Wayne Hamilton, 1995. Decision support software for estimating the economic efficiency of rangeland production practices. 48th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 14-20 January, Phoenix, Arizona.
Urs Kreuter and John Workman, 1993. Cattle and wildlife ranching in the Zimbabwe Midlands: Are they economically compatible? XVII International Grassland Congress, 8-21 February, Rockhampton, Australia.
Urs Kreuter and J.P. Bach and 1992. Bio-economic characteristics of Barbary Sheep in the United States. 3rd Int. Wildlife Ranching Symposium. 27-30 October, Pretoria, South Africa.
Urs Kreuter and John Workman, 1992. Comparative economics of cattle and wildlife production in the Midlands of Zimbabwe. 3rd International Wildlife Ranching Symposium, 27-30 October, Pretoria, S. Africa.
Urs Kreuter and John Workman, 1992. Cattle and wildlife economics in the Zimbabwe Midlands. 45th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 9-13 February, Spokane, WA.
Urs Kreuter and Doris Jansen, 1991. Profitability of cattle and wildlife production in the Zimbabwe Midlands. Int. Conf.: Meeting Rangeland Challenges in Southern Africa in the 1990’s, 6-11 May, Pretoria, S. Africa
Urs Kreuter. 1989. Effects of continuous and rotational grazing on the diet selected by cattle in a high rainfall area of South Africa. 42nd Annual Meeting, Soc.y for Range Management, 20 February, Billings, MT.