Kreuter, U.P., B.P. Wilcox, J.W. Veldman, N.L. May. 2022. Recommended Land Management for the Water Quality Protection Lands (2022-2032), Austin, Texas. Wildland Conservation Division, Austin Water, Austin, Texas.
Kreuter, U.P. 2021. Fighting Wildfire with Prescribed Burning in the Southern Great Plains: Social and Regulatory Barriers & Facilitators. Final Project Report. Joint Fire Science Program, Bureau of Land Management.
The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas (19 Member Task Force: Chair Christine Ehlig-Economides; Urs P. Kreuter member). 2017. Environmental and Community Impacts of Shale Development in Texas. The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas, Austin Texas.
Urs P. Kreuter and Marian E. Higgins. 2016. Final Project Report: Stakeholder Perceptions of Low-Temperature Geothermal Energy Development in Environmentally Sensitive Coastal Areas in Texas Houston Advanced Research Center, Houston, Texas.
Urs P. Kreuter and Zachary Hurst. 2016. Final Project Report: Impacts of Oil and Gas Interests on Private Lands Conservation in Environmentally Important Coastal Areas of Texas. Houston Advanced Research Center, Houston, Texas.
R. Cruse, D. Abbas, K. Gesch, C. Kowaleski, U. Kreuter, K. LaValley, C. Lepczyk, H. Salwasser, V. Scott, M. Willig. 2014. Grand Challenge 1—Sustainability, In: Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, Board on Natural Resources and Board on Oceans, Atmosphere, and Climate, “Science, Education and Outreach Roadmap for Natural Resources”. Pp 16-27. Available at
Urs P. Kreuter and Laura E. Martin. 2010. Urban Residents’ Perceptions about the City of Austin’s Wildlands. Final report to Wildlands Division, City of Austin under interlocal agreement between Texas AgriLife Research and the City of Austin. Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2138.
Urs P. Kreuter. 2010. Ecological, economic and social dimensions of using summer fire to restore ecosystems in the Southern Plains of the US. Final report to USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service under NRCS Grant Agreement 68-3A75-5-180. Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2138.
Sridar Komar, Jonathan Yoder, and Urs Kreuter. 2007. Landowner cooperatives for Prescribed Fire Use: An econometric analysis of membership and fire use in the Southern Great Plains. A report to the USDA Forest Service under cooperative agreement SRS 03-CA-11330133-054 (sub-agreement OSU-AB562030).
U.S. Forest Service, 1996. Aspen Highlands Ski-Area: Draft environmental impact statement. Compiled by Urs P. Kreuter and Scott G. Evans for the U.S. Forest Service, Aspen, CO.
J. Richard Conner, Wayne T. Hamilton, Urs P. Kreuter, Dennis P. Sheehy, James R. Simpson, and, Jerry W. Stuth, 1996. Interactions between livestock production systems and the environment: Environmental impact assessment of livestock production in grassland and mixed systems in humid and semi-humid tropic and subtropic zones (except Africa). 5 volumes compiled by Grazinglands Management Systems, Inc., Bryan, Texas. Study coordinated by FAO, USAID and World Bank.
Urs P. Kreuter, Jerry W. Stuth, J. Richard Conner and Wayne T. Hamilton, 1994. Development, Validation and Use of the Phytomass Growth (PHYGROW) model. Unpublished Report, Ranching Systems Group, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Urs P. Kreuter, J. Richard Conner, Jerry W. Stuth, Wayne T. Hamilton, James Tan, and Bonnie Lyons, 1993. User guide-GAAT: Grazingland Alternative Analysis Tool 1.0/Windows. Ranching Systems Group, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Urs P. Kreuter, J. Richard Conner, Jerry W. Stuth, Wayne T. Hamilton, Briggs Myrick, and Bonnie Lyons, 1993. Phytomass growth simulation model: User’s guide. Ranching Systems Group, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.