Ph.D. in Range Science, August 1992, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
M.A. in Economics, December 1989, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
M.S. in Grassland Science, December 1985, University of Natal, South Africa
B.S. in Grassland Science (cum laude), December 1982, University of Natal, South Africa
Current Position
Jan 20- Present | Professor, Dept. Ecology and Conservation Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX |
Sep 16-Present | Joan Negley Kelleher Professor |
Previous Positions
Sep 10-Dec 19 | Professor, Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX |
Sep 04–Aug 10 | Associate Professor, Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX |
Jan 98–Aug 04 | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rangeland Ecology & Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX |
Nov 96–Dec 97 | Sales Manager for Europe and Assistant Product Line Manager, OI Corporation, 151 Graham Road, College Station |
Sep 95–Oct 96 | Assistant Project Manager, Pioneer Environmental Services, Inc., 980W 1800S, Logan, UT |
Aug 94–Aug 95 | President, Vector Flow L.C., Box 10712, College Station, TX |
Dec 92–Jul 94 | Research Associate, Dept. Rangeland Ecology & Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX |
Feb 90–Nov 91 | Associate Research Fellow, World Wide Fund for Nature MAPS Project, Box 8437 Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe |
Sep 87–Dec 89 | Research/Teaching Assistant, Range Science Department, Utah State University, Logan, UT |
Jul 84–Dec 85 | Lecturer, Grassland Science Department, University of Natal, Box 375, Pietermaritzburg 3200, South Africa |
Feb 83–Jun 84 | Research Scientist, Department of Agriculture, Pvt. Bag X9059, Pietermaritzburg 3200, South Africa |
Jul 78–Dec 78 | Wildlife Manager, Lone Star Ranch, P. Bag 7004, Chiredzi, Zimbabwe |
Professional Affiliations
1988–Present | Society for Range Management |
1981–1995; 2021–Present | Grassland Society of Southern Africa |
2002–2010 | International Association for Society and Natural Resources |
1989–2000 | International Society of Ecological Economics |
Honors and Awards
2023 | Vice Chancellor’s Award for International Involvement (TAMU AgriLife) |
2022 | Editor in Chief, African Journal of Range and Forage Science |
2021 | Journal of Soil & Water Conservation Best Research Paper for Impact and Quality Honorable Mention for: Teague, W.R., S. Apfelbaum, R. Lal, U.P. Kreuter, et al. 2016. The role of ruminants in reducing agriculture’s carbon footprint in North America, J. Soil & Water Conservation, 71(2):156-164 |
2021 | Property and Environment Research Center Julian Simon Senior Fellowship, Bozeman Montana |
2020 | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement – Educational Enhancement and Innovation |
2019 | Research Fellow, African Wildlife Economy Institute, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa |
2018 | Honorary Professor, School of Animal, Plant & Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA |
2016 | Joan Negley Kelleher Professorship, Dept. Ecosystem Science & Management, Texas A&M University |
2015 | Society for Range Management: RSEC Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award |
2014 | Society for Range Management Outstanding Achievement Award – Academia/Research |
2013 | Texas Section for Range Management Technical Publication Award |
2013 | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement – Interdisciplinary Research Team |
2013 | Association of Former Students’ Distinguished Achievement Award-College Level Teaching |
2011 | Senior Scientist, Norman Borlaug Institute for International Ag., Texas A&M University |
2011 | Distinguished Visiting Scientist, CSIRO, Townsville, QLD, Australia (Apr-Aug) |
2010 | Dept. Ecosystem Sci. & Management Graduate Professor of the Year |
2008 | Dept. Ecosystem Sci. & Management Undergraduate Professor of the Year |
2007 | Texas A&M University Fish Camp Namesake |
2000 | Top 25% most effective graduate courses taught at Texas A&M University |
1993 | Earhart Foundation Research Fellowship |
1989 | Utah State University Graduate Fellowship |
1978–1988 | Utah State University President Fellowship |
1983 | University of Natal Graduate Scholarship |
1892 | B.S. Agriculture awarded cum laude |
The teaching responsibilities currently include the following three courses:
- RENR 400: Biodiversity Conservation and Ecotourism in Southern Africa [6-credit-hour undergraduate course]
- RENR 410 – Ecosystem Management [4-credit-hour undergraduate capstone course]
- RENR 659 – Ecological Economics [3-credit-hour graduate course].
The research responsibilities of this position include the development and maintenance of a research program focusing on the Human Dimensions of Ecosystem Management. The nature of this research is multi-disciplinary and incorporates principles from economics, rural sociology and social anthropology, among other social science disciplines, in combination with ecological and management disciplines. Elements of this research program include but are not limited to:
- Elucidating the effects of changing social, demographic, and land-use patterns on the application of ecologically sound rangeland management practices by landowners;
- Enhancing the participation by private landowners in publicly funded land improvement programs;
- Enhancing cooperation among landowners with respect to the implementation of ecologically sound natural resource management at the ecosystem level – this includes the evaluation of factors leading to effective land management associations;
- Evaluating the linkages between the biophysical and human dimension of terrestrial ecosystem goods and services; and
- Informing policy aimed at enhancing landowner adoption of ecologically sound management of rangeland ecosystems.
The position also requires participation in professional activities including serving on professional committees, reviewing journal manuscripts, and disseminating information to the public about the factors affecting the adoption of ecologically sound natural resources management practices and technologies.