Invited Presentations

Kreuter, U.P. 2024. Turning the corner in fire science: Woody plant expansion and the imperative for PBAs Great Plains Fire Summit, Canyon, Texas, 14 August.

Kreuter, U.P., L. Huntsinger. 2024. A brief overview of human dimensions research in rangeland management during the last quarter century. In Symposium organized by U.P. Kreuter: The Human Dimensions of Rangeland Management – A Review and Knowledge Gaps. 77th Meeting, Society for Range Management, 29 January-11 February.

Wang, T., U.P. Kreuter. 2024. Ranch characteristics, management outcomes, and rancher perspectives:  A comparison of different grazing management practices. In Symposium organized by U.P. Kreuter: The Human Dimensions of Rangeland Management – A Review and Knowledge Gaps. 77th Meeting, Society for Range Management, 29 January-11 February.

Likins, J.M. U.P. Kreuter, J. Sawyer. 2024.Composite indices of grazing intensity and adaptive management to define alternative grazing management systems more clearly: In Symposium organized by U.P. Kreuter: The Human Dimensions of Rangeland Management – A Review and Knowledge Gaps. 77th Meeting, Society for Range Management, 29 January-11 February.

Kreuter U.P. 2023. Woody plants and fire in the Southern Great Plains of the USA: Social barriers and opportunities for using prescribed fire. Kansas State University Seminar. November 3, 2023, Manhattan. Kansas

Kreuter U.P. 2023. Woody plants and fire in the Southern Great Plains of the USA: A human dimensions perspective about prescribed fire. Animal Plants and Ecosystem Sciences Seminar 19 April 2023, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Kreuter U.P. 2022. Fighting wildlife with prescribed fire in the Southern Great Plains – Liability, Regulatory, and Social Factors. Fire and Invasives in Rangeland Systems Workshop. 29 August-1 September, Jackson, Wyoming.

Kreuter, U.P. 2021. Fighting wildfire with prescribed burning in the SGP. Joint Fire Science Reporting Forum, November 12.

Kreuter, U.P. 2021. Fighting wildfire fire with Rx fire: Identifying and overcoming social barriers. RWFM Stewardship Webinar Series, May 6. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, San Angelo, Texas.

Kreuter, U.P. 2021. The value of ecosystem services in a social-ecological world. Guadalupe Texas Master Naturalists. March 22, Seguin, Texas.

Kreuter, U.P. 2021. Prescribed burning associations: A proactive mechanism for expanding Rx use to combat wildfire. In: Special Session: Fighting fire with fire – Rx fire toolbox to combat identified social barriers. Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 15-17 February. Virtual Meeting.

Kreuter, U.P. 2020. Applying the ISEEC Model to Energy Alternatives. Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 17-20 February, Denver, Colorado.

Hoffman, J.K. L. Coleman, W. McDaniel, P. Bixler, M. Russell, U. Kreuter. 2019. Heuristics and fire: Decision-making processes and prescribed fire implementation in the Southern Great Plains. 8th Int. Fire Ecology & Management Congress: Cultivating Pyrodiversity, 18-19 November 2019, Tucson, Arizona.

Urs P. Kreuter. 2018. Comprehensive assessment of ecosystem service dynamics in Savannas: ISSEC – A social-ecological system framework. 16th Savanna Science Network Meeting, 4-8 March, Skukza, South Africa.

Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, Bradford P. Wilcox, Steve R. Archer, Andrew Birt, Michael G. Sorice, Urs P. Kreuter, Reinhard Scholtz. 2018. Socio-ecological transformation of the Great Plains through Juniperus invasion. 71st Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 29 January-1 February, Reno, Nevada

Urs P. Kreuter. 2017. A social-ecological systems approach to evaluating novel energy development on North American Rangelands, IGNITE SESSION: Sustainable Development Goals – Can Ecologists Help Them Transform Our World? 102nd ESA Annual Meeting, 6-11 August 2017, Portland, Oregon

Urs P. Kreuter. 2017. Invited Keynote Address: Social and legal barriers and opportunities for using prescribed fire on private land in the Southern Great Plains, USA. 52nd Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, 23-27 July, 2017, Hoedspruit South Africa.

Urs P. Kreuter, W. Richard Teague, Kristie A. Maczko. 2016. Framework for soil health as natural capital that generates ecosystem services. A Community of Ecosystem Services, 5-9 December, Jacksonville, Florida.

Urs P. Kreuter. 2016.  Restoring Rangelands and fighting wildfire with prescribed burning in the Southern Great Plains. Great Plains Fire Exchange. Webinar presented on 9 November 11:00-12:00.

Urs P. Kreuter, Richard J. Ansley, and Gene L. Theodori. 2016. Invited Keynote Address: Energy Extraction Effects on North American Rangelands: Impacts on the Delivery of Ecosystem Services. Proc. X International Rangeland Congress, 16-22 July 2016, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Pp 37–42.

Urs P. Kreuter. 2016. Prescribed fire: Friend or Foe? 69th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 1-4 February, Corpus Christi, California

Urs P. Kreuter. 2015. Stewardship of Global Drylands: Managing adaptively to address tradeoffs and complementarities between natural capital and livestock production in the face of climate change.  International Dryland Symposium: Stewardship for Future Drylands, 29 November-3 December 2015, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

Urs P. Kreuter, Brian Hays, and J. Richard Conner. 2015. Conservation through crediting: Evolution of a market-oriented tool for threatened and endangered species recovery. PERC Wildlife Workshop, The Economics and Politics of Wildlife Conservation: Habitat recovery credit market mechanism for endangered species conservation in the USA. 26-29 July 2015, Bozeman MT

Urs P. Kreuter, Carissa L. Wonkka, and David Toledo. 2015. Using fire to restore rangelands: Economic and social drivers affecting its application. 68th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 1-6 February, Sacramento, California

Urs P. Kreuter, William E. Fox, Johan A. Tanaka, and Kristie Maczko. 2015. A integrative conceptual framework for evaluating impacts of developing energy resources on rangelands. 68th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 1-6 February, Sacramento, California

Urs P. Kreuter, Carissa L. Wonkka, and David Toledo. Prescribed burn associations and ecosystem restoration through use of periodic fire at landscape scales. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, 10-15 August, Sacramento, California

Urs P. Kreuter. 2014. “Economic” factors driving the use of prescribed fire as a rangeland management tool. Gulf Coast Prairie LCC Steering Comm. Mtg., 17-19 June, Oklahoma City, OK

Urs P. Kreuter. 2014. Integrating Social & Economic Indicators for Sustainable Rangeland Management: Developing Unconventional Energy Resources on US Rangelands. 67th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 9-13 February, Orlando, Florida.

Urs P. Kreuter and John A. Tanaka. 2014. Applying and Integrating SRR Economic Indicators I. 67th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 9-13 February, Orlando, Florida.

Urs P. Kreuter. 2012. Invited Keynote Address – Rangeland sustainability, capital and investment inecosystem services: A social-ecological systems approach. 47th annual congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, 16-20 July, 2012, Langebaan, Western Cape, South Africa. Presented on 19 July 2012

Urs P. Kreuter. 2011. Engagement for Sustainable Rangeland Management in a Changing World: The Role of Stakeholder Associations and Regional Organizations. CSIRO ATSIP Seminar, Townsville, QLD, Presented on 11 July 2011

Urs P. Kreuter (Invited Conference Summation Speaker). 2011. Diverse Rangelands for a Sustainable Society: Summary of Sessions of Human Dimensions of Rangelands Human dimensions session, IX International Rangeland Congress, 4-8 April 2011. Rosario, Argentina.

Urs P. Kreuter and John Tanaka. 2011. Socio-Economic Interface of Rangeland Restoration IRC, In Workshop: Ecosystem Restoration – Rebuilding rangelands from microbes to landscapes. IX International Rangeland Congress, 2-8 April 2011, Rosario, Argentina

Urs Kreuter and William Fox. 2010. Military, Livestock & Endangered Species Interests in Central Texas: An Integrative Approach for Sustaining Wildlife Habitat. 63nd Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 7-11 February, Denver, Colorado.

Urs Kreuter. 2010. The Southern Plains: Social Dimensions of Conservation Management. 63nd Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 7-11 February, Denver, Colorado.

Urs P. Kreuter. 2009. Ft. Hood and Birds: A resilient partnership to protect endangered species, military preparedness and private grazing rights. Bridging the Gap: Collaborative Conservation from the ground up, 8-11 September 2009, Ft. Collins, Colorado.

Urs P. Kreuter. 2009. Biodiversity Conservation: Linking bio-physical and human facets of habitat management in multi-use ecosystems. NSF-IGERT ABS Seminar Series, 11 March 2009. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

Urs Kreuter, Richard Conner, Bill Rogers, Butch Taylor and Richard Teague. 2009. Ecological, economic and social dimensions of using extreme fire to restore ecosystems in the southern Plains. 62nd Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, 8-12 February 2009, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Urs Kreuter and Richard Conner. 2008. Economic assessment of goods and services delivered by grasslands: Current knowledge and missing research links. In: Symposium: Assessing the multi-functionality of grasslands: Future research priorities to address global change. Joint Meeting of Agr. Soc. of Am., Crop Sci. Soc. of Am., Soil Sci. Soc. of Am. and U.S. Geol. Soc., 5-9 October 2008, Houston, TX.

Urs Kreuter. 2008. Collaborative management: Applying prescribed fire and protecting golden-cheeked warbler habitat in Texas. Dept. of Geography, Texas A&M University, College Station, 19 September 2008.

Urs P. Kreuter. 2008. Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Golden-cheeked Warbler Habitat Conservation in Texas. 7 July 2008, Institute of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changchun, China.

Urs P. Kreuter and William E. Fox. 2008. Golden-cheeked Warbler habitat conservation in Central Texas. Proceedings of XXI International Grassland Congress and VII International Rangeland Congress, 29 June – 5 July 2008. Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China.

Urs Kreuter. 2007. The human dimensions of ecosystem management. Keynote address at 42nd Congress of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, 16-20 July, 2007.

Dustin Van Liew, J. Richard Conner and Urs P. Kreuter. 2007. Economic feasibility of using prescribed summer fire as an invasive brush management tool in Texas. CIG Showcase at 2007 Annual Meeting of Soil and Water Conservation Society, 21-25 July, Tampa, Florida.

Urs Kreuter. 2006. “Landowner Perceptions about the use of fire as a rangeland management tool in the Hill Country of Texas,” University of Ft. Hare, South Africa, June 9, 2006.

Urs Kreuter. 2003. How does society view rangeland biodiversity? 2003 Meeting of the Texas Section of the Society for Range Management, 16-17 October, Wichita Falls, Texas.

Urs Kreuter and Richard Davies. 2003. Ecology and Economics: Common roots, divergence and reunion in the management of rangelands. VII International Rangeland Congr, 26 July-1 August, Durban, S. Africa.

Bradford P. Wilcox and Urs P. Kreuter. 2003. Woody plant–stream flow interactions as a basis for land management decisions in drylands. VII International Rangeland Congr.,26 July-1August, Durban, S. Africa

Urs Kreuter. 30 May 2000. Economics, politics and species conservation. Invited seminar at Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biologie Vegetal, Unviersidad Nactional doe Córdoba, Argentina.

Urs Kreuter quoted by Viginia Postrel in “How not to treat elephants like fish: a clever neoclassical model offers new ideas for conserving endangered species.” Economic Scene, New York Times, C2. 18 May 2000.

Mark Brunson and Urs Kreute. 2000. Rangelands as seen at a human scale. Symposium: Is range site the appropriate spatial unit for managing and measuring rangelands? 53rd Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, 13-18 February, Boise, Idaho.

Urs Kreuter. 1998. Ownership of Elephants in Zimbabwe’s Communal Areas. International Affairs Committee Symposium: privatization of the World’s Rangelands. 51st Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, 8-12 February, Guadalajara, Mexico.

Urs Kreuter. 3 October 1994. Wilderness in perspective: A concept of values. Annual Workshop for Social Studies Educators, Department of Geography, Mankato State University, MN.

Jerry Stuth, Robert Lyons and Urs Kreuter. 1993. Animal/plant interactions: Nutrient acquisition and use by ruminants. Conference on Livestock and Sustainable Nutrient Cycling in Mixed Farming Systems of Sub-Saharan Africa, 22-26 November. ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Urs Kreuter and Randy Simmons. 1993. Who owns the Elephant? The Political Economy of Saving the African Elephant. Wildlife in the Marketplace. 4rh Annual Political Economy Forum of the Political Economy Research Center, 11-13 June, Bozeman, MT.

Urs Kreuter and Randy Simmon. 1992. Politics and economics of African elephant conservation. 3rd Conference, International Association of Common Property, 17-20 Sept., Washington, D.C

Kreuter, Urs and John Workman. 1992. Policy effects on cattle and wildlife ranching in Mid-Zimbabwe. 67th Annual Conference, Western Economic Association, 9-13 July, San Francisco, CA

Urs Kreuter, 11 October 1989. Interview on “Save an elephant-buy ivory”. KUSU, Logan, Utah


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