
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is a unique education agency with a statewide network of professional educators, trained volunteers and county offices. The Extension Horse Program addresses priorities and needs identified at a local level by county horse program committees.  Specialists, Extension Agents and industry professionals work together to address issues and opportunities of horse production, ownership and use through development of educational resource materials and activities.

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Equine SpecialistThe Extension horse specialists within the Department of Animal Science serve more than 950,000 Texas horse industry participants and more than 289,000 Texas horse owners. Through educational programs and workshops, the Extension horse specialists provide research-based best management practices as related to nutrition, breeding, management, care and use.  Information developed by the Extension equine group is available to all clientele, including individual horse owners, goods and service providers, and industry professionals.  Extension remains a leader in helping horse owners become better organized through assistance and leadership in formation of associations and groups.

In addition, the horse specialists are committed to supporting the Texas 4-H, Extension’s primary youth program, through support of educational and competitive activities that foster decision making, problem solving and other important life skills.

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

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