Welcome to District 8 4-H Youth Development!
Club Managers
Welcome! Club Managers: First, thank you for volunteering your time to work the youth of your county! You play a very vital role in our 4-H program! Because you have such a big job, we want to make sure you have all of the tools you need to be successful. In doing our research for these very tools, we found many different resources. One of the things we have been told, is that, often you need a guide on how to use these resources. So…let this be… Read More →
Events and Activities
The District 8 4-H Youth Development Program hosts several educational and competitive events through the year. You can find the link to those contests in the menu on this page or the drop down menu above. Hopefully, those pages will give you more information about our events. If you still have questions, first try calling or emailing your local County Extension Agent for more information. You can find contact information for all of the County Extension offices across the state at this page: http://counties.agrilife.org. Contest Waiver & Indemnity… Read More →