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Fashion Storyboard

March 15, 2019



Date.  Storyboards must be turned in to your County Extension by their posted deadline.

Location.  Storyboards will be displayed with awards on the same day as district fashion show.  No attendance is required.


  • Contestants must be registered through 4-H Connect by midnight March 15, 2019.
  • Completed storyboards must be turned in to the county office by the county’s posted deadline.
  • CEAs must have the boards submitted to the District IV office by March 22, 2019 or delivered to the District IV Food Challenge Contest.
  • Boards may be picked up by the contestant, contestant’s parent, or his/her CEA.

Registration.  Each participating member is required to register on 4-H Connect and pay the $10 contest registration fee.  Registration will open on February 2, and close at midnight on March 15, 2019.  Agents, please ensure all information on 4-H Connect is correct before certifying on the county level.   Storyboards submitted without a Connect entry will not be judged.  Each entry must have the contest label securely mounted on the back of the board.

Label download:  4-H Fashion Storyboard Label (PDF)

Participation.  Participants must be 4‐H members currently enrolled in a Texas 4‐H & Youth Development county program and actively participating in the Clothing & Textiles project. Contestants must also be academically eligible (according to UIL rules) to compete on the day of the contest. Storyboard contestants are not required to attend unless they are competing in another contest however, if a 4-H member/adult chooses to attend to view the display they may do so. Storyboard awards will be presented during the Fashion Show awards program.

Age.  Age divisions are determined by a participant’s grade as of September 1 of the current 4-H year.  Age divisions for this contest are:

  • Junior (grades 3, 4, 5)
  • Intermediate (grades 6, 7, 8)
  • Senior (grades (9, 10, 11, 12)

Entries per county.  A 4‐H member may enter only one storyboard.  There are no limits to the number of Fashion Storyboards that a county may enter at the district contest. Participation in the Fashion Storyboard competition at Texas 4-H Roundup is for senior age division Texas 4-H members, who have placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in their district contest.


The following design brief serves as the direction for the 2019 Fashion Storyboards. 4-H members should create their Fashion Storyboard around their interpretation of the design brief.

“Once Upon a Storyboard” is the design brief for the 2019.  Participants may also use “Once Upon A Time” as their design brief.

Once upon a time in Texas 4-H, members are challenged to develop a storyboard entry inspired from children’s literature.  All genres of children literature may be explored! Whether it is a classic fairytale like “Beauty and the Beast”, a book of poems such as “Where the Sidewalk Ends” by Shel Silverstein, or a famous folklore like “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”, let the pictures on the pages, characters in the story, and words themselves encourage your imagination and creativity to foster an original design.

Awards.  The top five placing contestants in each category/age division will be recognized.

Participants with disabilities.  If you need any type of accommodation to participate in this program or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Derrick Bruton at 972-952-9264 or d-bruton@tamu.edu at least 2 weeks prior to the program or note such needs when registering on 4-H Connect.

Rules and Resources.


March 15, 2019
Event Categories:


District IV 4-H


Texas A&M Commerce – Mary Bonham Equine Pavilion
2200 Campbell St
Commerce, TX 75428 United States
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